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. 2015 Jun 4;17(10):786–791. doi: 10.1111/jch.12588

Table 2.

Baseline Characteristics of Study Population by IAD

Systolic IAD Diastolic IAD
≤10 mm Hg (n=343) >10 mm Hg (n=102) P Value ≤10 mm Hg (n=369) >10 mm Hg (n=76) P Value
Age, y 85±5.5 85±4.9 .969 85±5.3 85±5.3 .545
SBP right hand, mm Hg 133±21 139±24 .005 134±22 137±19 .244
DBP right hand, mm Hg 68±12 71±14 .060 68±12 69±16 .563
Heart rate, beats per min 73±14 74±15 .733 73±14 76±15 .058
Systolic IAD, mm Hg 4.6±3.1 17.7±8.0 <.001 6.8±6.8 11.5±7.9 <.001
Diastolic IAD, mm Hg 5.3±5.4 8.6±6.1 <.001 4.04±2.9 15.8±5.9 <.001
Associated diseases
Hypertension, No. (%) 272 (79) 76 (75) .304 294 (80) 54 (71) .097
Diabetes, No. (%) 136 (40) 31 (30) .090 136 (37) 31 (41) .519
Ischemic heart disease, No. (%) 112 (33) 34 (33) .898 121 (33) 25 (33) .986
Stroke, No. (%) 76 (22) 19 (19) .493 82 (22) 13 (17) .322
Laboratory parameters
Serum creatinine, mg/dL 1.13±0.69 1.10±0.51 .669 1.12±0.68 1.13±0.54 .943
Serum glucose, mg/dL 139±57 142±63 .644 136±54 156±72 .024
Serum cholesterol, mg/dL 164±37 168±65 .622 167±46 156±39 .199
Serum HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 48±15 51±16 .320 49±16 47±12 .382
Serum LDL cholesterol, mg/dL 92±29 83±25 .079 91±28 85±33 .304
β‐Blockers, No. (%) 160 (47) 44 (43) .517 168 (46) 36 (47) .785
α‐Blockers, No. (%) 74 (22) 21 (21) .821 83 (23) 12 (16) .190
Calcium antagonists, No. (%) 141 (41) 52 (51) .081 159 (43) 34 (45) .806
Diuretics, No. (%) 124 (36) 42 (41) .367 129 (35) 37 (49) .025
ACE inhibitor, No. (%) 135 (40) 42 (41) .758 141 (38) 36 (47) .142
ARB, No. (%) 52 (15) 21 (21) .198 61 (17) 12 (16) .866
Lipid‐lowering agents, No. (%) 200 (58) 58 (57) .795 205 (56) 53 (70) .023
Aspirin, No. (%) 154 (45) 49 (48) .592 163 (44) 40 (53) .184
Clopidogril, No. (%) 49 (13) 11 (15) .755 71 (21) 13 (13) .070

Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HDL, high‐density lipoprotein; IAD, inter‐arm blood pressure difference; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein; SBP, systolic blood pressure.