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. 2020 Feb 3;90(3):390–396. doi: 10.2319/071319-469.1

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

For each of the 283 images, the second tracing was superimposed on the first tracing of the same radiograph by both the Sella-Nasion (SN) and automated superimposition methods. The figure illustrates focusing on the landmark Pogonion (Pog). For a given cephalometric landmark P, P1 = the position of P in the first tracing, P2SN = the position of P in the second tracing oriented by Sella Nasion method, P2ASM = the position of P in the second tracing oriented by the automated superimposition method. The Euclidean distance between P1 − P2SN, P1 − P2ASM, and P2SN − P2ASM were expressed as eSN, eASM, eSN-ASM, respectively.