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. 2020 Feb 3;90(3):390–396. doi: 10.2319/071319-469.1

Table 2.  .

Comparison of Two Superimposition Methods. Values are the Euclidean Distance (mm) Between the Positions of a Landmark in the Second Tracing, Which Is Oriented by Two Different Superimposition Methods for a Given Cephalometric Landmarka

Difference Between Two Methods (eSNASM)
H0: eSNASM < 1 mm

P Valuec
ANS 3.3 3.8 <.0001
Point A 4.0 4.7 <.0001
Point B 3.6 4.2 <.0001
Pogonion 2.8 3.3 <.0001
Gonion 3.2 3.7 <.0001

eSNASM stands for the difference between the SN and automated superimposition methods of landmark P, where P = Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS), Point A, Point B, Pogonion, and Gonion.


SD indicates standard deviation.


Results from t-tests under the null hypothesis if the error was less than 1 mm.