(A) An example of binary positional relationship feature (Appendix 1–Extended methods S1.2.2) illustrated for positional relationships along AP axis. The table lists feature value for some exemplary assignment of labels ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ from the atlas to cells ‘1’ and ‘2’ in the image data. For example since cell ‘1’ is anterior to cell ‘2’ in image, if labels assigned to these cells are consistent with the anterior-posterior positional relationship (e.g. ‘A-B’, ‘A-C’, ‘B-C’), then the feature value is high (1); else low (0). CRF_ID model assigns identities to cells in image by maximizing the feature values for each pair of cells in image over all possible label assignments. The table also illustrates the difference between using a static atlas (or single data source) and a data-driven atlas built using available annotated data. In case of static atlas, the CRF model assumes that the cell ‘A’ is anterior to cell ‘B’ with 100% probability. In contrast, in experimental data cell ‘A’ may be anterior to cell ‘B’ with 80% probability (8 out of 10 datasets) and cell ‘B’ may be anterior to cell ‘C’ with 50% probability (5 out of 10 datasets). Thus, data-driven atlases relaxes the hard constraint and uses statistics from experimental data. The feature values are changed accordingly. Note, unlike registration based methods for building data-driven atlas, in CRF model data-driven atlases record only probabilistic positional relationship among cells and not probabilistic positions of cells. Thus CRF_ID does not build spatial atlas of cells. (B) An example of angular relationship feature (Appendix 1–Extended methods S1.2.4). The table lists feature value for some exemplary assignment of labels. For example, the feature value is highest for assigning labels ‘A’ and ‘C’ to cells ‘1’ and ‘2’’ because the vector joining cells ‘A’ and ‘C’ in atlas () is most directionally similar to vector joining cells ‘1’ and ‘2’ in image () as measured by dot product of vectors. For data-driven atlas, average vectors in atlas are used. (C) An example of proximity relationship feature (Appendix 1–Extended methods S1.2.3). The table lists feature value for some exemplary assignment of labels. For example, the feature value is low for assigning labels ‘B’ and ‘C’ to cells ‘1’ and ‘2’’ because the distance between cells ‘B’ and ‘C’ in atlas () is least similar to distance between cells ‘1’ and ‘2’ in image (). The distance metric can be Euclidean distance or geodesic distance. For data-driven atlas, average distances in atlas are used. (D) An example illustrating the cell annotation performed by maximizing extrinsic similarity in contrast to intrinsic similarity. Registration based methods maximize extrinsic similarity by minimizing registration cost function . Here, a transformation is applied to the atlas and labels are annotated to cells in image by minimizing the assignment cost that is sum of distances between cell coordinates in image and transformed coordinates of cells in atlas. For data-driven atlas, a spatial atlas is built using annotated data that is used for registration. Note, in contrast, CRF_ID method does not build any spatial atlas of cells because it uses intrinsic similarity features. CRF_ID only builds atlases of intrinsic similarity features shown in panels (A-C).