Fig. 4.
Expressed protein remains stable in powdered yeast. (A) Stability of CSGA-GFP in freeze-dried yeast powder stored at 30 °C after 1.5 year. (B) Stability of CSGA-GFP in heat-inactivated lyophilized yeast powder stored at 30 °C after 1.5 year. (C) Stability of heat-inactivated lyophilized yeast powder stored at 37 °C after 12 months. In each case, proper loading is shown, by Ponceau S-stained blot image (right side of each blot image). Note, the protein amount was normalized, based on yeast powder used for protein extraction. Bands of interest are pointed by arrows towards them, while free GFP is pointed by an Asterisk mark. Note in figure Y stand for yes and N for no for condition mentioned in the figure