Studies and experimental characteristics of tES literature for epilepsy.
Authors | Subjects |
Stimulation parameters |
Neuroimaging |
Conclusion | ||||
Type | Current | Duration | Location | Type | Feature | |||
Meiron et al., 2019 | 1 | HD-tDCS | 1 mA, 20 min | 5 sessions per week for 4 weeks | Anode: frontal-parietal cortex (AF8, F2, C2, PO4), cathode :C6 | EEG | Power spectral in theta band (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (13–30 Hz), spike frequency, duration, and amplitude. | tDCS reduces the interictal epileptic discharges and change in seizure-related delta activity. |
Yang et al., 2019a | 7 | tDCS | 1 or 2 mA, 40 min | 14 sessions consecutive days | Anode: left or right supra-orbital area, cathode: P4 or P3 | EEG | Seizure frequency and seizure reduction. | Repeated tDCS (cathode located in the bilateral parietal area) could safely reduce seizure frequency for epilepsy patients. |
Lin et al., 2018 | 9 | tDCS | 2 mA, 20 min | 6 sessions in one month | Anode: contralateral shoulder area, cathode: epileptogenic focus | EEG | Seizure frequency and phase lag index/ | tDCS may be considered an alternative treatment option for patients with refractory epilepsy. Its effect might be cumulative after repeated stimulations and associated with a decrease in the phase lag index. |
Tecchio et al, 2018 | 6 | tDCS | 1 mA, 20 min | 1 session | Anode: opposite homologous, cathode: epileptogenic focus. | EEG | Functional connectivity and power spectrum. | The neurological alternation (functional connectivity) indicated that the cathode tDCS might contribute to epilepsy and provide a new therapy to modulate the epileptic people. |
Meiron et al., 2018 | 1 | HD-tDCS | 0.1–1 mA, 20 min | 5 sessions per week for 2 weeks | Anode: PO3, P6, AF3, F6, FC4, O1, CP3, C1, FC8, C6, FCz, FC3, O4, F2, CP4, PO4, O2, AF8, C2, cathode: C2, TP8, CP8, O3, TP8, T8 | EEG | Mean number spikers, mean peak amplitude, mean absolute power. | HD-tDCS showed safety and feasibility of early-onset epileptic encephalopathy. It provides the first evidence of HD-tDCS effects on paroxysmal EEG features in electroclinical cases under the age of 36 months. Extending HD-tDCS treatment may enhance electrographic findings and clinical effects. |
Karvigh et al., 2017 | 10 | HD-tDCS | 2 mA, 20 min | 10 consecutive days | Anode: frontal-parietal-temporal cortex (F3/F4, P3/P4, Cz, T3/T4) Cathode: PF1/PF2, Fz, Tz/T8, C3/C4 | EEG | Seizure frequency | The statistical analysis for the whole group does not show the effect of the tDCS since the change of epileptiform discharge was not significant. However, the clinical score (i.e., working memory performance) was improved. |
San-Juan et al., 2016 | 1 | tACS | 1 mA, 3 Hz, 60 min | 4 sessions consecutive days | Anode: frontal cortex (Fp1 and Fp2) | EEG | Spike-low wave at 3 Hz, polis piker-slow wave at 3–4 Hz, and slow rhythmic waves at 4 Hz | At the 1-month follow-up, the patients reported a 75% increase in seizure frequency. At the 2-month follow-up, the patient reported a 15-day seizure-free period. |
Tekturk et al., 2016 | 12 | tDCS | 2 mA, 30 min | 3 sessions consecutive days | Anode: temporal region (T3 and T4); cathode: contralateral supraorbital region | EEG | Seizure frequency | Our small series suggested that cathodal tDCS may be used as an additional treatment option in MTLE-HS. It may be tried in patients with TLE-HS waiting for or rejecting epilepsy surgery or even with ineffective surgical results. |
Liu et al., 2016 | 37 | tDCS | 2 mA, 20 mins | 5 sessions Consecutive days | Anode: DLPFC (F3, F4), cathode: right supraorbital area | EEG | Power spectral in delta (1–4 Hz), theta band (5–7 Hz), low alpha (8–10 Hz), high alpha (11–13 Hz), beta (14–32 Hz), low gamma (33–35 Hz). | tDCS improved the symptoms of depression for temporal lobe epilepsy. There were no changes in memory function immediately following or persisting after a stimulation course. |
Del Felice et al., 2015 | 12 | So-tDCS | 0.75 Hz, 30 mins | 1 session | Anode: frontal-temporal (F7-T3 or F8-T8), cathode: ipsilateral mastoid | EEG | Spindle frequency and Cortical sources | Anodal so-tDCS over the affected temporal lobe improves declarative and visuospatial memoryperformance by modulating slow sleep spindles cortical source generators. |
Auvichayapat et al., 2013 | 36 | tDCS | 1 mA, 20 min | 1 session | Anode: Contralateral shoulder area, cathode: epileptogenic focus | EEG | Spikes and sharp waves | A single session of cathodal tDCS improves epileptic EEG abnormalities for 48 h and is well tolerated in children. |
Fregni et al., 2006 | 19 | tDCS | 1 mA, 20 min | 1 session | Anode: silent area. cathode: epileptogenic focus | EEG | Seizure frequency | Cathodal tDCS polarization does not induce seizures and is well tolerated in patients with refractory epilepsy and MCDs. tDCS might have an antiepileptic effect based on clinical and electrophysiological criteria. |
Faria et al., 2012 | 17 | tDCS | 1 mA, 30 min | 3 sections for three weeks | Anode: central prefrontal area (FPz), cathode: CP6 Cp5. | EEG | The average number of epileptiform | Continuous monitoring of epileptic activity throughout tDCS improves safety and permits detailed evaluation of epileptic activity changes induced by tDCS in patients. |
San-Juan et al., 2016 | 28 | tDCS | 2 mA, 30 min | 3 or 5 sessions in consecutive days | Anode: silent area. cathode: most active interictal epileptiform discharges area | EEG | Seizure frequency | Cathodal tDCS (applied 3 and 5 sessions) reduced seizure frequency and interictal epileptiform discharges for patients with epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis compared to placebo tDCS. |