Figure 2.
Ibogaine decreases long-range phase synchronization. (A) Location of the analyzed intracranial electrodes. (B) Coherogram following saline (control) and ibogaine (same animal and epoch as in Figure 1B). The hypnograms are plotted on top. This plot shows the phase coherence between the right and left primary motor cortex as a function of time and frequency. (C) The left column shows the t-statistic (t-stat) of the pairwise coherence difference matrix (i.e., the average difference is divided by the S.E.M.) for three frequency bands (sigma-beta, gamma and >100 Hz, up to 512 Hz). The right column shows the electrode pairs with a significant difference (p < 0.05, corrected cluster-based permutation test; r, right; l, left). (D) Z′ coherence as a function of frequency of three representative combinations of electrodes (same labels, statistical analysis, and wakefulness epochs as in Figure 1C).