A, Tensile testing of irradiated (IR) and non-IR hind limb skin. Ai, Comparison of the Young's modulus determined from the stress-strain curves and plotted by the treatment group, showing greatest stiffness in mice receiving injections of saline, and least stiffness in mice receiving fat grafts or non-IR mice. Aii, Stress-strain curves derived from tensile testing of skin overlying the irradiated hind limbs of mice who received injections of fat + stromal vascular cells (SVCs), fat alone, and saline. B, Histological assessment of hind limb skin shows an anti-fibrotic effect of fat grafts. Representative images of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E, top row) and Trichrome-stained hind limb skin (bottom row) in all four experimental groups of mice. Ci, Dermal thickness was greatest in mice receiving sham treatment and thinnest in mice grafted with fat + SVCs (***P < .001). Cii, Collagen density was reduced in mice receiving fat + SVCs compared with mice receiving saline or sham treatment (both *P < .05). Scale bar = 100 μm