Fig. 3.
Observation of liver glycogen content changes. Hepatic glycogen was stained purple-red with PAS staining. The liver of the control group contained a large amount of liver glycogen, and the content of liver glycogen in the T-2 toxin group was significantly reduced. After low-dose SeMet pretreatment, liver glycogen increased significantly. However, hepatic glycogen decreased gradually in the middle and high dose SeMet + T-2 toxin groups. a: control group, b T-2 toxin group c: low-dose SeMet+T-2 toxin group, d: medium-dose SeMet+T-2 toxin group, e: high-dose SeMet+T-2 toxin group. The magnification of the first row of pictures is 100× and the scale is 200 μm. The second row is a partial magnification of the first row of pictures with a magnification of 400× and a scale of 50 μm