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. 2012 Nov 26;15(3):162–170. doi: 10.1111/jch.12035

Table I.

Patients’ Baseline Clinical Characteristics and Exercise Parameters

Exercise BP Recoverya and HR Recoveryb Subgroups
All (N=830) Normal BP rec Normal HR rec (n=465) Delayed BP rec Normal HR rec (n=156) Normal BP rec Delayed HR rec (n=137) Delayed BP rec Delayed HR rec (n=72) P Value
Clinical Characteristics
 Age, y  53.8±11.4   52.7±11.4   54.1±11.6   55.4±11.0   57.5±10.8   .002
 Male sex, No. (%)  550 (66.3)  302 (64.9)   94 (60.3)  105 (76.6)   49 (68.1)   .022
 Family history of CAD, No. (%)  188 (22.7)  102 (21.9)   34 (21.8)   34 (24.8)   18 (25.0)   .851
 BMI, kg/m2  27.0±3.5   26.8±3.5   27.1±3.5   27.2±3.3   27.6±3.9   .231
 Smoking, No. (%)  238 (28.7)  133 (28.6)   36 (23.1)   46 (33.6)   23 (31.9)   .224
 Arterial hypertension, No. (%)  456 (54.9)  238 (51.2)   84 (53.8)   85 (62.0)   49 (68.1)   .015
 Dyslipidemia, No. (%)  467 (56.3)  262 (56.3)   88 (56.4)   84 (61.3)   33 (45.8)   .203
 Diabetes mellitus, No. (%)  56 (6.7)   23 (4.9)   11 (7.1)   13 (9.5)   9 (12.5)   .049
 Treatment: ACE inhibitors or ARBs, No. (%)  265 (31.9)  140 (30.1)   46 (29.5)   52 (38.0)   27 (37.5)   .199
  Diuterics, No. (%)  134 (16.1)   57 (12.3)   26 (16.7)   32 (23.4)   19 (26.4)   .001
  Calcium channel blockers, No. (%)  133 (16.0)   67 (14.4)   25 (16.0)   27 (19.7)   14 (19.4)   .388
  β‐Blockers, No. (%)  111 (13.4)   61 (13.1)   16 (10.3)   22 (16.1)   12 (16.7)   .401
  Statins, No. (%)  199 (24.0)  117 (25.2)   28 (17.9)   39 (28.5)   15 (20.8)   .182
  Antiplatelet agents, No. (%)  105 (12.7)   52 (11.2)   15 (9.6)   26 (19.0)   12 (16.7)   .042
Exercise Parameters
 Exercise duration, s  540.5±150.1  563.4±145.5   528.0±152.6   510.1±147.3   478.3±151.1 <.001
 METs  10.7±2.7   11.1±2.6   10.6±2.7   10.2±2.6   9.7±2.6 <.001
 Resting HR, bpm  82.9±12.8   81.4±11.8   80.1±13.2   90.0±12.9   85.4±13.1 <.001
 Peak exercise HR, bpm  161.6±17.8  163.8±16.4   162.2±19.6   157.7±18.7   154.1±18.4 <.001
 Achieved HR, % of predicted  97.3±9.0   98.0±8.3   97.9±10.4   95.8±9.2   94.8±9.5   .006
 Recovery HR, bpm
  First minute  130.4±18.4  128.4±17.1   125.7±19.0   139.0±18.6   136.8±18.5 <.001
  Second minute  109.2±16.9  107.7±15.8   104.2±17.1   117.2±17.5   114.6±16.3 <.001
  Third minute 101.0±15.1   99.5±13.8  96.6±15.1   109.3±16.0   104.7±15.0 <.001
 Resting SBP, mm Hg 118.5±15.7  117.7±15.0   116.8±15.1   120.8±17.5   122.9±17.0   .008
 Peak exercise SBP, mm Hg 172.5±23.0  176.2±22.4   161.3±22.0   176.7±22.7   164.5±20.5 <.001
 Exaggerated BP response,c No. (%) 237 (28.6)  173 (37.2)   22 (14.1)   36 (26.3)   6 (8.3) <.001
 Recovery SBP, mm Hg
  First minute 166.2±23.9  165.6±23.2   166.8±25.0   164.3±25.5   171.8±22.0   .154
  Second minute 154.7±25.3  151.0±24.3   161.5±25.6  153.0±26.3   166.5±22.5 <.001
  Third minute 144.3±22.3  139.2±20.2   155.0±21.9  139.9±21.5   162.5±20.9 <.001
 Resting RP product, bpm×mm Hg 9844±2126 9592±1910 9354±2028 10,885±2315 10,547±2482 <.001
 Peak exercise RP product, bpm×mm Hg 27,880±4753 28,837±4486 26,224±4979 27,798±4452 25,442±4701 <.001
 Recovery RP product, bpm×mm Hg
  First minute 21,637±4161 21,226±3866 21,052±4670 22,715±3979 23,507±4345 <.001
  Second minute 16,894±3769 16,278±3551 16,877±3971 17,838±3629 19,105±3827 <.001
  Third minute 14,581±3155 13,871±2876 15,009±3326 15,229±2996 17,010±3214 <.001
 Angina‐like symptoms, No. (%) 24 (2.9)   11 (2.4)   6 (3.8)   4 (2.9)   3 (4.2)   .385
 Ischemic ST‐segment response, No. (%) 104 (12.5)   56 (12.0)   22 (14.1)   17 (12.4)   9 (12.5)   .356
 QRS scored 0.7±3.4   1.3±3.3   0.2±3.7   −0.1±3.3   −0.8±3.6   .001

Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme; ARBs, angiotensin receptor blockers; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; bpm, beats per minute; CAD, coronary artery disease; HR, heart rate; METs, metabolic equivalents (3.5 mL O2/kg/min); rec, recovery; RP product, rate‐pressure product (HR×SBP); SBP, systolic blood pressure. aDelayed BP recovery: third minute of recovery SBP/peak exercise SBP ≥0.90. bDelayed HR recovery: peak exercise HR – first minute of recovery HR ≤23 bpm. cExaggerated BP response: peak exercise SBP – resting SBP ≥65 mm Hg. dQRS score: (resting [R−Q−S] aVF+resting [R−Q−S] V5)−(peak exercise [R−Q−S] aVF+peak exercise [R−Q−S] V5).