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. 2012 Nov 26;15(3):162–170. doi: 10.1111/jch.12035

Table II.

Baseline Clinical Characteristics and Exercise Parameters of Normotensive Patients

Exercise BP Recoverya and BP Responseb Subgroups
All (N=374) Normal BP rec Normal BP resp (n=195) Delayed BP rec Normal BP reps (n=81) Normal BP rec Exaggerated BP resp (n=84) Delayed BP rec Exaggerated BP resp (n=14) P Value
Clinical Characteristics
 Age, y   49.6±11.0   48.6±10.8   49.5±12.1   50.8±10.1   55.5±9.2   .079
 Male sex, No. (%)  254 (67.9)  124 (63.6)   52 (64.2)   69 (82.1)   9 (64.3)   .018
 Family history of AH, No. (%)   65 (17.4)   33 (16.9)   14 (17.3)   15 (17.9)   3 (21.4)   .632
 BMI, kg/m2   26.1±3.3   25.9±3.4   26.2±3.2   26.5±3.0   25.8±3.0   .469
 Smoking, No. (%)  120 (32.1)   59 (30.2)   26 (32.1)   31 (36.9)   4 (28.6)   .735
 Dyslipidemia, No. (%)  193 (51.6)   99 (50.8)   38 (46.9)   48 (57.1)   8 (57.1)   .578
 Diabetes mellitus, No. (%)   7 (1.9)   4 (2.1)   1 (1.2)   2 (2.4)   0 (0.0)   .897
 Treatment: Statins, No. (%)   80 (21.4)   42 (21.5)   8 (9.9)   27 (32.1)   3 (21.4)   .013
  Antiplatelet agents, No. (%)   32 (8.6)   16 (8.2)   4 (4.9)   9 (10.7)   3 (21.4)   .240
Exercise Parameters 
 Exercise duration, s  584.3±145.9  589.5±130.8  545.0±142.8  614.5±165.7  557.3±194.0   .016
 METs   11.5±2.6   11.5±2.4   10.9±2.6   12.0±3.1   11.3±3.3   .047
 Resting HR, bpm   83.4±12.3   84.9±12.2   82.6±14.0   81.7±11.1   78.4±8.4   .061
 Peak exercise HR, bpm  166.2±16.4  168.0±15.9  162.5±19.3  165.0±13.6  169.0±17.3   .057
 Achieved HR, % of predicted   97.6±8.3   98.1±8.0   95.4±10.1   97.6±6.7  102.7±8.1   .008
 Recovery HR, bpm
  First minute  133.6±18.1  135.5±17.3  131.5±22.4  131.0±15.5  134.1±14.4   .183
  Second minute  111.3±17.0  113.3±16.5  108.5±20.1  109.4±14.8  110.3±13.8   .110
  Third minute  102.8±15.4  104.8±15.6   99.3±17.8  101.4±12.1  103.1±11.4   .044
 Resting SBP, mm Hg  111.7±13.0  112.3±13.2  111.8±12.4  110.9±13.9  107.9±10.5   .596
 Peak exercise SBP, mm Hg  164.9±21.3  160.3±16.5  151.6±19.6  185.6±17.1  180.4±14.7 <.001
 ΔSBP,c mm Hg   53.2±17.3   48.1±10.9   39.8±14.2   74.7±9.5   72.5±8.5 <.001
 Recovery SBP, mm Hg
 First minute  157.3±22.4  149.6±17.9  156.9±23.7  171.2±21.1  183.9±20.4 <.001
  Second minute  146.2±23.8  137.7±19.3  150.9±23.5  156.0±25.0  177.9±21.4 <.001
  Third minute  136.8±20.7  128.2±17.0  146.3±19.6  142.3±19.0  170.4±14.7 <.001
 Resting RP product, bpm×mm Hg 9326±1817 9534±1795 9246±2009 9066±1702 8445±1177   .052
 Peak exercise RP product, bpm×mm Hg 27,418±4458 26,963±3915 24,719±4653 30,573±3372 30,439±3629 <.001
 Recovery RP product, bpm×mm Hg
 First minute 21,004±3666 20,258±3451 20,757±4993 22,355±3318 24,670±3818 <.001
  Second minute 16,289±3683 15,656±3385 16,462±4259 17,024±3325 19,684±3736 <.001
  Third minute 14,072±3014 13,458±2813 14,601±3540 14,403±2432 17,567±2513 <.001
 Angina‐like symptoms, No. (%)   7 (1.9)   3 (1.5)   2 (2.5)   2 (2.4)   0 (0.0)   .872
 Ischemic ST‐segment response, No. (%)   28 (7.5)   14 (7.2)   6 (7.4)   7 (8.3)   1 (7.1)   .907
 QRS scored   1.7±3.0   2.0±2.9   1.2±3.2   1.7±3.1   1.0±3.0   .469

Abbreviations: AH, arterial hypertension; BP, blood pressure; bpm, beats per minute; BMI, body mass index; HR, heart rate; METs, metabolic equivalents (3.5 mL O2/kg/min); rec, recovery; resp, response; RP product, rate‐pressure product (HR×SBP); SBP, systolic blood pressure. aDelayed BP recovery: third minute of recovery SBP / peak exercise SBP ≥0.90. bExaggerated BP response: peak exercise SBP – resting SBP ≥65 mm Hg. cΔSBP: peak exercise SBP – resting SBP. dQRS score: (resting [R−Q−S] aVF+resting [R−Q−S] V5)−(peak exercise [R−Q−S] aVF+peak exercise [R−Q−S] V5).