Table 7.
Author, Year | Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria | Intervention | Comparison | Side Effects | ||
Randomized Control Trials (Mixed Samples) | |||||||
Karst et al., 2003 [56] | Neuropathic and somatic pain for >6mo, stable levels of pain medications for >2mo. Aged 18-65y. Consent to participate in study and follow study procedures | No N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist and cannabinoid concomitant pain-relieving medications. Severe organic or psychiatric disease, pregnancy/attempting to conceive, lactation, use of any investigational drug within 30d prior to first dose of study drug, non-German speaking | CT-3 (10.0mg–max 80.0mg) f/u: 3, 8 hrs |
Placebo | ↑ Fatiguef; ↑ Dry mouthf ; ↑ Limited power of concentrationf; ↑ Painf; = Objective concentration; = Vitals (RR, HR, BP, wt, temp, ECG, hematologic and blood chemistry) | ||
Wade et al., 2003 [58] | Neurologic diagnosis and be able to identify troublesome symptoms which were stable and unresponsive to standard treatments | History of drug or alcohol abuse, serious psychiatric illness (excluding depression associated with neurological condition), serious cardiovascular disease or active epilepsy | CBD-rich sublingual spray (2.5mg–max 120mg/d) f/u: 2 wks |
Placebo (Inert Plant Material) | = Objective concentration; = Bladder function; = Daily functioning | ||
THC-rich sublingual spray (2.5mg–max 120mg/d) f/u: 2 wks |
Placebo (Inert Plant Material) | ↓ Objective Concentration (SOMC) j; ↑ Appetite (daily VAS) j; = Bladder function; = Daily functioning | |||||
1:1 THC:CBD sublingual spray (2.5mg–max 120mg/d) f/u: 2 wks |
Placebo (Inert Plant Material) | = Objective concentration; = Bladder function; = Daily functioning; ↑ Sleep (daily VAS) j |
Hagenbach et al., 2007 [55] *RCT phase |
Terminated taking all spasmolytic medication >3 half-life periods before enrolling, free of illegal drugs. Spasticity without any spasmolytic treatment had to be >3points on the MAS in at least one muscle group | Pregnant, severe somatic and known psychiatric diseases | Dronabinol capsule oral (2.5mg, 5.0mg, 10.0mg) f/u: 1, 8, 43d |
Placebo (sesame oil) | ↑ Reaction Time; = Vitals (HR, BP, ECG, hematologic and blood chemistry); = Mood; = Functional independence | ||
*Non-RCT phase | Dronabinol capsule oral (2.5mg, 5.0mg, 10.0mg) f/u: 1, 8, 43d |
Baseline | ↓ Systolic BP; ↑ Vital capacity (43d) g; = Mood; = Functional independence; = objective concentration; = Bladder function; ↑ Fatigue (36%); ↑ Dry mouth (32%); ↑ Anxiety (32%); ↑ Disturbance of attention (27%); ↑ Pain (23%); ↑ Dizziness (23%) | ||||
Rectal THC (5.0mg, 10.0mg) f/u: 1, 8, 43d |
Baseline | ↑MCC (43d) k; = Vitals (HR, BP, ECG, hematologic and blood chemistry); = Mood; = Functional independence | |||||
Wilsey et al., 2008 [59] | Adults with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS type 1), SCI, peripheral neuropathy, or nerve injury. Previous cannabis exposure. Must refrain from smoking cannabis or taking oral synthetic delta-9-THC medications for 30d before study session | Candidates who met the criteria for severe major depressive disorder, or candidates with a history or diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar depression. Uncontrolled hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic pulmonary disease (asthma, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease), active substance abuse | 3.5% delta 9-THC cigarettes (9 puffs) f/u: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hrs |
Placebo | ↑ “Feeling high”j; ↑ “Feeling stoned”j; ↑ “Impaired”d; ↑ Sedationd; ↑ Hungerb; ↓ Attention; ↓ Learning/memory; ↓ Psychomotor speed; ↑ “Good drug effect”b; ↑ Calmnessi | ||
7% delta 9-THC cigarettes (9 puffs) f/u: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hrs |
Placebo | ↑ “Feeling high”b; ↑ “Feeling stoned”c; ↑ “Bad drug effect”d; ↑ “Impaired”d; ↑ Sedatione; ↑ Hungere; ↓ Learning/memory; ↑ “Good drug effect”e; ↑ HR (immediately); = Mood; = Spasticity ; = Neurocognition (overall) | |||||
Pooyania et al., 2010 [77] |
Aged 18-65 with a level of injury at C5 or below, and injury occurred more than 1 year previously. Stable neurologic level, with moderate spasticity (>3 AS). Spasticity medications had to be unchanged for at least 30 days before inclusion and no botulinum toxin injections >4mo | History of heart disease, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, or any active psychologic disorder. Previous documented sensitivity to marijuana or other cannabinoid agents, severe liver dysfunction, cognitive impairment, a major illness in another body area, fixed tendon contractures. Pregnant or nursing. History of drug dependency, smoked cannabis <30d before study onset, or unwilling to not smoke during the study | Nabilone (0.5mg-1.0mg/d) f/u: 4wks |
Placebo | ↑ Drowsiness (27.2%); ↑ Dry mouth (18.1%); ↑ Asthenia (18.1%); ↑ Vertigo (18.1%) | ||
Author, Year | Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria | Intervention | Comparison | Side Effects | ||
Randomized Control Trials (Mixed Samples) | |||||||
Rintala et al., 2010 [57] | Adults who had sustained an SCI >12 before study entry and who reported chronic (>6mo) neuropathic pain, the intensity of which was rated as >5 at its worst on a scale of 0-10 | Previous adverse reaction to any cannabinoid or sesame oil, current or history substance abuse, serious psychological or psychiatric disorder, renal or hepatic insufficiency, history of tachycardia, pregnant or nursing | Dronabinol (5.0mg–max 20.0mg) f/u: 2, 4 wks |
Placebo (diphenhydramine) | ↑ Constipation; ↑ Fatigue; ↑ Dry mouth; ↑ Abdominal discomfort | ||
Wilsey et al., 2016 [60] | Age 18-70, with pain intensity >4/10, who attend the UC Davis Medical Center Spinal Cord Injury Clinic | Diagnosis of bipolar depression, schizophrenia, severe depression, or affirmation to the statements “I felt life was not worth living”; “I felt like hurting myself”; “I felt like killing myself”. A history of coronary artery disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, severe liver disease, impaired renal function. Current substance use disorder. | 2.9% delta 9-THC vaporized cannabis (4-8 puffs) f/u: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420min |
Placebo | ↑ “Good Drug Effect”a; ↑ “Bad Drug Effect”a; ↑ Higha; ↑ Drunka; ↑ Stoneda; ↑ Sedateda; ↑ Nauseaa; ↑ Changes Perceiving Time/Spacea; ↑ HR (immediately); ↑ calmness; = Neurocognition (overall) | ||
6.7% delta 9-THC vaporized cannabis (4-8 puffs) f/u: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420min |
Placebo | ↑ Confuseda; ↑ Desires Morea; ↑ Hungrya; ↑ Difficulty Paying Attention/ Remembering Thingsa; ↑ “Good Drug* Effect”a; ↑ “Bad Drug Effect”a; ↑ High*a; ↑ Drunk*a; ↑ Impaired*a; ↑ Stoned*a; ↑ Sedated*a; ↑ Nauseaa; ↑ Changes Perceiving Space*/Timea | |||||
Pre-/Post-Studies (SCI samples) | |||||||
Kogel et al., 1995 [76] | SCI staff selected. Chronic problematic spasticity that has not responded to more commonly prescribed spasmolytic medications. | NR | Dronabinol (15.0 mg - 60.0mg/d) f/u: 5d |
Baseline | ↓ Subjective Concentration; ↓ vigor; = objective concentration; ↑ >1 dysphoric mood scale |
Abbreviations: ↑: increase; ↓: decrease; =: no change; adata listed not limited to people with SCI; AS: Ashworth Scale; BP: blood pressure; CBD: cannabidiol; CT-3: 1’,1’-dimethylheptyl-Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol-11-oic acid in capsules; d: day; ECG: electrocardiogram; f/u: follow-up; HR: heart rate; MAS: Modified Ashworth Scale; MC: Medical Cannabis; MCC: maximal cystometric capacity; mo: month; N/A: not applicable; NR: not reported; RR: respiratory rate; SOMC: short orientation-memory-cognition test; temp: temperature; THC: tetrahydrocannabinol; UC: University California; VAS: visual analog scale; wt: weight; y: year. *denotes that higher dose was significant vs lower dose; adenotes p<0.0001; bdenotes p<0.001; cdenotes p=0.001; ddenotes p=0.003; edenotes p<0.01; fdenotes p=0.02; gdenotes p=0.028; hdenotes p=0.03; idenotes p<0.03; jdenotes p<0.05; kdenotes p=0.075.