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. 2021 Feb 16;9(1):E115–E124. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20200021

Table 3:

Summary of clients’ characteristics by injectable opioid agonist treatment program, with national-level tallies

Program Total no. of client starts; scan No. of active clients;* scan No. on wait list; scan Age, yr, mean (range) No. of clients; scan; gender
Scan 1 (Sept. 2018) Scan 2 (Mar. 2019)

Scan 1 (Sept. 2018) Scan 2 (Mar. 2019) Scan 1 (Sept. 2018) Scan 2 (Mar. 2019) Scan 1 (Sept. 2018) Scan 2 (Mar. 2019) Scan 1 (Sept. 2018) Scan 2 (Mar. 2019) F M T F M T
A–D: All PHS programs§ 286 312 67 119 0 112

 tHDM 60

E: St. Paul’s Hospital 8 8 0 0 2 6 0 2 6 0

F: Crosstown Clinic 259 291 126 125 345 400 44 (21–69) 44 (21–69) 31 94 1 39 85 1

 DAM 106 107

G: Vancouver Native Health Clinic 10 1 0 53 (53) 0 1 0

H: Downtown Community Health Centre 7 18 4 11 0 0 51 (36–68) 48 (36–68) 1 3 0 4 7 0

I: Lookout iOAT Clinic 37 77 22 18 0 0 45 (30–61) 44 (27–62) 4 18 0 4 14 0

J–L: All Ottawa Inner City Health programs 26 29 22 22 ≥ 55 ≥ 75 40 (25–57) 43 (25–57) 11 11 0 12 10 0

M: Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre 45 22 0 35 (22–48) 4 18 0

N: Royal Alexandra Hospital 9 6 0 44 (29–64) 3 3 0

National-level tallies 625 781 250 331 ≥ 400 ≥ 587 47 (21–69) 43 (21–69) 49 133 1 68 143 1

Note: DAM = diacetylmorphine, F= female, iOAT = injectable opioid agonist treatment, M = male, T = transgender or nonbinary, tHDM = tablet hydromorphone.


Clients receiving at least 1 dose of iOAT in the 7 days before the scan reference date. All numbers represent clients receiving liquid hydromorphone except where programs provided DAM or tHDM (tablet iOAT) in addition to liquid hydromorphone; in these cases, the number of active clients receiving DAM and tHDM is reported underneath the total number of active clients, to indicate the size of these specific client groups.

There was variable reporting for this gender category across sites.

Data not available or data stratified by program not available where more than 1 program was operated by a single organization.


Age and gender data available only at follow-up for the 312 client starts: mean age 41 (20–73) yr, 230 men (74%), 77 women (25%), 5 transgender or nonbinary people (2%).