Tissue imaging methods focus on architecture, fluorescence, subcellular dynamics, and isotope incorporation. (Clockwise from the left): Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is particularly well suited for imaging superficial tissues including the retina (unpublished image courtesy of Dr. Junjie Yao at Duke University). Confocal microscopy can allow specific imaging of fluorescent markers (unpublished image courtesy of Aliesha O’Raw and Dr. Xiling Shen at Duke University). Multi-isotope mass spectrometry imaging (MIMS) of the murine intestinal crypt reveal sulfur-rich granules (arrows) surrounded by proliferating stem cells (Zhang et al., 2020). At the cellular level, spatial visualization of RNA transcripts is accomplished by MERFISH (Barbash et al., 2019) and cellular status indicators like Sytox can be imaged via high-throughput imaging methods like IncuCyte (Gong et al., 2017).