Table 1.
Elements of palliative care12
Inclusive of prevention, early identification, comprehensive assessment, and management of physical health challenges (eg, pain, other distressing symptoms) |
Includes psychological and spiritual distress, as well as social needs |
Uses evidence-based interventions when possible |
Supports patients to live as fully as possible until death through effective communication strategies and help to clarify goals of care |
Can be applied throughout the course of an illness as dictated by the patient’s needs |
May be used in conjunction with disease-modifying therapies as needed |
Positively influences the disease trajectory |
Does not hasten nor postpone death, is life-affirming, and acknowledges dying as a natural process |
Offers support to family and patient caregivers throughout the course of illness and into the bereavement phase |
Is given with respect for all cultural values and beliefs of the patient, family, and community at hand |
Is appropriate to be used in all health care settings and at all levels |
May be used by interdisciplinary professionals with basic palliative care training |
Requires specialist-level palliative care provided by a multiprofessional team for complex case referrals |
Adapted with permission from the International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care. Radbruch L, De Lima L, Knaul F, Wenk R, et al. Redefining Palliative Care – a New Consensus-based Definition. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2020.