Figure 6: Effects of Pharmacologic Inhibitor on NPC Proliferation.
Control (■) and SGA (■) p1 hypothalamic neurospheres were cultured in complete media and treated for 4 days with DNMT1 inhibitor 5-Aza. (A) Protein expression of Hes1 and Nestin, and Immunoblots. (B) Images of BrdU staining and proliferation index. (NS=non-specific siRNA). 5 litters were studied in each group. From each litter, hypothalami from N=4 male pups were pooled representing N=1. F-values: Hes1=36.84; Nestin=46.4; Proliferative Index=21.35. * p<0.001 vs non-specific siRNA and c p<0.001 SGA vs Control.