Fig. 1. Synthetic population.
(A to E) Key statistics used as input for the synthetic population reconstruction. (A) Age pyramid for France (source, INSEE). (B) Household size (source, INSEE). (C) Ratio of contacts by setting with respect to household contacts (33). (D) Fraction of contacts occurring each day or less frequently (33). (E) Smartphone penetration by age. The overall average adoption in the population is 64% (29). (F) Distribution of the number of daily contacts in the model. (G) Cumulative distribution of the activation rate associated to the contacts in the model, calibrated to be consistent with the information of (D). (H) Sketch of the construction of the contact network: Contacts among individuals were represented as a multilayer dynamical network, where each layer includes contacts occurring in a specific setting. (I) Age contact matrix computed from the contact network model.