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. 2021 Apr 2;2021:6694936. doi: 10.1155/2021/6694936

Table 2.

Basic information of included studies.

Author Interventions Control group The number of cases/case Gender (male/female) Age Period of treatment (d) Diagnostic criteria and efficacy criteria Outcome indicators Follow-up time Region
Experimental group Control group
Zhang 2017 [8] ① + ② 50 50 63/37 18–60 56 (1), (2) Symptom score (cough score, sputum score, diaphragmatic fullness score), lung function (PEF, FVC, FEV1), total effective rate, adverse reactions Not mentioned China's Hebei province

Zheng 2014 [9] ⑩ + ③ 40 40 57/62 15–67 10 d (1), (3) Total response rate, lung function (FVC, FEV1, PEF), general adaptive quality of life questionnaire dimensions and total scores, specific quality of life questionnaire scores in all areas, and LCQ total scores Not mentioned China's Hubei province

Zhang 2015 [10] ① + ④ 60 60 67/53 6–52 90 (4) Total effective rate Not mentioned China's Liaoning province

Zhang 2017 [11] ⑩ + ① + ⑤ + ⑥ ① + ⑤ + ⑥ 40 40 48/32 18–59 28 (1), (2), (3) CRP, IL-6, TNF-, total response rate, symptom score (cough, sputum, diaphragmatic fullness) Not mentioned China's Hebei province

Dong 2012 [12] ① + ② 49 49 34/64 19–72 14 (4) Total effective rate, time for improvement of clinical symptoms and signs (dry cough, expectoration, chest tightness, wheezing) Not mentioned China Ningxia

Zhang 2019 [13] ⑩ + ⑨ 30 32 32/30 1–14 14 (2), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11) Cough symptom score, (self-modified) TCM syndrome score, effective rate of cough symptom score, effective rate of TCM syndrome score, 3-month recurrence rate, 3-month follow-up score of digestive tract symptoms 3 months China's Fujian province

Lin 2018 [14] ④ + ⑤ 31 30 24/37 18–70 14 (2), (10), (12) Total effective rate, score of cough symptoms, score of comparison of symptoms and signs, total score of symptoms, IgE, safety index Not mentioned China's Fujian province

Shi 2020 [15] ⑩ + ① 30 30 31/41 3–12 28 (2), (8), (9) Total effective rate, IgE, TCM symptom score, 6-month recurrence rate, safety index 6 months China's Fujian province

Gong 2019 [16] ⑩ + ⑨ 30 30 39/21 62–82 30 Describe Total effective rate, IgA, IgG, lung function (PEF, FEV1), cough disappearance time, length of hospital stay, adverse reactions Not mentioned China's Sichuan province

Li 2017 [17] ⑩ + ⑨ 64 64 67/61 59–82 21 Describe Total effective rate, duration of asthma, time of disappearance of cough, time of disappearance of pulmonary wheezing, adverse reactions, recurrence rate, adverse reactions Not mentioned China's Guangdong province

Zhu 2016 [18] ⑩ + ① + ⑤ + ⑥ ① + ⑤ + ⑥ 40 40 48/32 18–57 28 (1), (2), (3) CRP, IL-8, TNF-, total response rate, symptom score (cough, sputum, diaphragmatic fullness), pulmonary function (FVC, FEV1, PEF) Not mentioned China's Hebei province

Note: ① montelukast sodium; ② cloth DE resistance; ③ pulmonary function rehabilitation training; ④ forticasone propionate; ⑤ salmeteroticasone; ⑥ terbutaline; ⑦ albuterol; ⑧ aminophylline; ⑨ traditional Chinese medicine medicinal broth; ⑩ acupuncture. Diagnostic and therapeutic criteria: ⑴ 2009 Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cough; ⑵ Guiding Principles for Clinical Research of New Chinese Medicines; (3) Diagnostic and Curative Effect Criteria of TCM Diseases and Syndromes; ⑷ Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Bronchial Asthma; ⑸ Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Cough in Children (2013); ⑹ “TCM Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Terminology Syndrome Part”; ⑺ Paediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine; ⑻ Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchial Asthma in Children; ⑼ Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Chinese Medicine Paediatrics Children's Cough-Variant Asthma (developed); ⑽ 2015 Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines for Cough; ⑾ Clinical Research Points of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Paediatric Diseases; ⑿ Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine.