Extended Data Fig. 5. SDS-PAGE analysis of seed storage proteins extracted from the mature grains of Weining rye.
Four types of secalins, that is, HMW-secalins, 75k γ-secalins, ω-secalins, and 40k γ-secalins, were detected. HMW-secalins and 75k γ-secalins are encoded by Sec-3 and Sec-2, respectively, whereas ω-secalins and γ-secalins are specified by Sec-1 and Sec-4. The secalins exhibited anomalous electrophoretic mobilities in SDS-PAGE because of carrying highly repetitive, proline- and glutamine-rich motifs in their proteins (Supplementary Table 19). M, protein size marker (kDa); WN SSP, Weining rye seed storage protein. The data shown were reproducible in three independent experiments.