Table 7.
Mapping of available measures to RDoC, motor, and sensory domains.
Domain | Measures |
Original RdoC (42 features) | |
Negative valence systems |
1. Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children65 (PANAS-C; negative affect) 2. Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index66 (CASI)(anxiety symptom count) 3. Child Behavior Checklist67 (CBCL)(anxiety, withdrawn and aggression subscores) |
Positive valence systems | 1. PANAS-C (positive affect) |
Cognitive systems |
1. Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, 2nd Edition50 (WASI-II) (IQ scores) 2. Conners68 (ADHD symptoms) 3. CBCL (thought problems and attention subscores) |
Social processes |
1. NEPSY-II69 (affect recognition and theory of mind subscores) 2. Interpersonal Reactivity Index70 (IRI) 3. Empathy Questionnaire71 (EmQue) 4. Alexithymia72 (total and subscores) 5. Level of Inference task73 (LOI) (why/how face/hand judgments) 6. CBCL (social problems, competencea, and rule-breaking subscores) 7. SCQ74 (total and subscores excluding RRB) |
Arousal and regulatory systems |
1. Physiological Hyperarousal Scale for Children65 (PH-C) 2. CBCL (somatic subscore) |
Motor (7 features) |
1. MABC-Checklist52 (total and subscores)b 2. The Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire75 (DCDQ) (total and subscores) 3. Sensory Integration and Praxis Test76,77 (Postural Praxis) |
Sensory (16 features) |
1. Sensory Over-Responsivity78 (SenSOR)(total and subscores) 2. Short Sensory Profile 279 (SSP)(total and subscores) |
aThe CBCL competence score reflects participation and quality of performance in activities, social settings, and school. While it reflects aspects of cognitive performance, we include it in the social category as a measure of functionality in typical social environments.
bThe MABC and MABC checklist are normed for children up to 17 years of age. Our sample included one 17 year old, who was scored according to the norms used for a child aged 16 years and 11 months.