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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Genet Med. 2020 Dec 7;23(4):758–766. doi: 10.1038/s41436-020-01038-0

Table 2.

Projected health and economic outcomes.

Outcomes Clinically diagnosed and treated Newborn screening and treated
Health outcomes, infantile-onset
Screening outcomes (or within first year of life for clinically diagnosed)
 Cases, infantile-onset with cardiomyopathy 34 34
 Cases, infantile-onset without cardiomyopathya 2 6
Proportions with cardiomyopathy, by health state, at age 10
 No symptoms 0.00 0.30
 Mild symptoms 0.19 0.67
 Severe symptoms 0.10 0.00
 Dead from Pompe disease 0.70 0.02
 Dead from other causes 0.01 0.01
Health outcomes
By age 3
 Ventilator dependent, n 7.11 0.53
 Deaths, n 6.93 0.00
By age 10
 Ventilator dependent, n 4.87 0.17
 Deaths, n 11.58 0.00
By age 20
 Ventilator dependent, n 4.06 0.32
 Deaths, n 14.40 0.02
Disaggregated results among individuals diagnosed with infantile-onset Pompe disease (per person)b
 Screening and confirmation costs NA $2,388
 Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) $6,462,230 $10,985,209
 Medical, Pompe disease other than ERT $385,039 $178,834
 Medical, non-Pompe disease $40,731 $72,952
 Formal caregiving $283,564 $26,534
 Informal caregiving $774,734 $428,162
 Nonmedical (e.g., appointment time costs and environmental modifications) $33,318 $44,607
 Total costs, health-care sectorc $7,171,563 $11,265,916
 Total costs, societal $7,979,615 $11,738,685
 Mean QALYs 15.01 26.67
 Infantile-onset with cardiomyopathy 13.76 26.65
 Infantile-onset without cardiomyopathy 22.11 26.79
Summary and disaggregated results for annual US newborn cohort (n = 4,000,000)e
 Screening and confirmation tests $0 $26,224,278
 Enzyme replacement therapy $258,489,185 $439,408,352
 Pompe disease-related medical care $15,747,528 $7,639,698
 Non-Pompe disease-related medical care $291,659,614,973 $291,660,903,800
 Formal caregiving costs $11,342,569 $1,061,343
 Informal caregiving $30,989,365 $17,126,462
 Nonmedical (e.g., appointment time costs and environmental modifications) $1,875,353 $2,355,840
 Total costs (health-care sectorf) $291,945,194,255 $292,135,237,471
 Total costs (societal) $291,978,058,973 $292,154,719,773
 Incremental costs (health-care sector) $190,043,216
 Incremental costs (societal) $176,660,800
 Total QALYs 121,806,506 121,806,973
 Incremental QALYs 466
 ICERg (health-care sector) $408,000/QALY
 ICERg (societal) $379,000/QALY

ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, QALY quality-adjusted life-year.


Under clinical identification, 4 of the 6 cases are anticipated to remain undiagnosed until age 3.


Average per person costs and QALYs. Costs and QALYS discounted at 3%.


Excludes informal caregiving and nonmedical costs.


Weighted average of two cases treated near birth and four cases treated at age 3.


Costs and QALYs are discounted at 3% to 2016 USD.


The health-care sector perspective includes all but nonmedical and informal caregiving costs.


ICERs were calculated using additional decimal places for incremental QALYs—see Supplementary tables for detailed results.