Fig. 2. HPnc4160 downregulates the expression of bacterial pathogenic factors.
a MA plot of ratios [Δhpnc4160-hpnc4170 / wild-type (WT) H. pylori] versus their normalized average mRNA expression determined by RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq). Red dots, P < 0.001 by a Fisher Exact Test (two-sided). b Volcano plot of proteins quantified by isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification analysis comparing WT and Δhpnc4160-hpnc4170. Each point represents the difference in protein expression (fold-change) between the two groups plotted against the level of statistical significance. Red dots, P < 0.01 by the paired t-test (two-sided). c Venn diagram representing the number of significantly differentially expressed factors between Δhpnc4160-hpnc4170 and WT. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.