Profile of cortical thickness at the 3‐cluster level. A parallel plot shows the mean cortical thicknesses of the three clusters. The thickness of 68 samples of cortical gray matter is shown under four classifications (the temporal, frontal, parietal, and occipital cortexes) ( The mean cortical thickness was standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of the cortical thicknesses of all the patients, and the standardized mean cortical thickness of each cluster was plotted. The y‐axis for each variable extends two standard deviations above and below the mean. *Most of the global cortical thicknesses were equivalent between the HCs and Cluster 1, whereas they were significantly different among the three clusters; the included regions encompassed the bilateral superior and left middle temporal cortexes, as well as the left fusiform cortex. **In contrast, the cortical thickness of the temporal pole was significantly different between Cluster 3 and Cluster 1, Cluster 2 and the HC group. Temporal pole: temporal pole; superior temporal: superior temporal gyrus; middle temporal: middle temporal gyrus; inferior temporal: inferior temporal gyrus; fusiform: fusiform gyrus; entorhinal: entorhinal cortex; BANKSSTS: banks of the superior temporal sulcus; parahippocampal: parahippocampal gyrus; transverse temporal: transverse temporal cortex; rostral middle frontal: rostral middle frontal gyrus; caudal middle frontal: caudal middle frontal gyrus; superior frontal: superior frontal gyrus; parsopercularis: pars opercularis; parstriangularis: pars triangularis; parsorbitalis: pars orbitalis; lateral orbitofrontal: lateral orbital frontal cortex; medial orbitofrontal: medial orbital frontal cortex; precentral: precentral gyrus; paracentral: paracentral lobule; frontal pole: frontal pole; rostral anterior cingulate: rostral anterior cingulate; caudal anterior cingulate: caudal anterior cingulate; superior parietal: superior parietal cortex; inferior parietal: inferior parietal cortex; supramarginal: supramarginal gyrus; postcentral: postcentral gyrus; precuneus: precuneus cortex; posterior cingulate: posterior cingulate; isthmus cingulate: isthmus cingulate; lateraloccipital: lateral occipital cortex; lingual: lingual gyrus; pericalcarine: pericalcarine cortex; cuneus: cuneus cortex