Fig. 8.
Differentially abundant OTUs identified in the rhizosphere soil from plants between “good” treatment (the least wheat root disease) and “bad” treatment (the worst wheat root disease) in cycle 2 (a) and cycle 9 (b). Values on the x-axis presented the DESeq2-estimated log2-fold difference in the rhizosphere soil from plants between “good” treatment and “bad” treatment samples, where positive values indicate higher abundances in ‘Good ‘ treatment and negative values indicate reduced abundance in “bad” treatment (FDR adjusted p-values of < 0.1 were considered to be differentially abundant, Wald’s test). Dots indicate OTUs, where the size of the dot is scaled by its mean abundance among all samples (base mean > 50) and its color represents the phylum to which that OTU belongs. The nearest taxonomy assignment is presented at left. Only OTUs with a mean abundance > 10 and normalized counts > 5 and present in at least 3 samples are presented