Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella intestinipullorum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella intestinipullorum (’rum. L. neut. n. intestinum gut; L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; N.L. gen. n. intestinipullorum of the gut of young chickens) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK177-9469 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816580. The GC content of the type genome is 54.63% and the genome length is 3.5 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella merdavium sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella merdavium (merd.a’ L. fem. n. merda faeces; L. fem. n. avis bird; N.L. gen. n. merdavium of bird faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID USAMLcec2-132 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816641. The GC content of the type genome is 54.07% and the genome length is 4.2 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella merdigallinarum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella merdigallinarum (’rum. L. fem. n. merda faeces; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. merdigallinarum of hen faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID USAMLcec3-2134 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816643. The GC content of the type genome is 57.03% and the genome length is 3.2 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella merdipullorum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella merdipullorum (mer.di.pul.lo’rum. L. fem. n. merda faeces; L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; N.L. gen. n. merdipullorum of the faeces of young chickens) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK179-7159 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816597. The GC content of the type genome is 51.92% and the genome length is 3.5 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella pullicola sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella pullicola (’ L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; L. suff. -cola inhabitant of; N.L. n. pullicola an inhabitant of young chickens) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK197-24098 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816836. This is a new name for the alphanumeric GTDB species sp003343625. The GC content of the type genome is 54.54% and the genome length is 2.6 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella pullistercoris sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella pullistercoris (’co.ris. L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; L. neut. n. stercus dung; N.L. gen. n. pullistercoris of young chicken faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiSxjej3B15-24422 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816711. The GC content of the type genome is 56.23% and the genome length is 3.3 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella stercoravium sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella stercoravium (ster.cor.a’ L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. fem. n. avis bird; N.L. gen. n. stercoravium of bird faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID USAMLcec4-2206 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816624. The GC content of the type genome is 51.92% and the genome length is 3.9 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Eisenbergiella stercorigallinarum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Eisenbergiella stercorigallinarum (’rum. L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. stercorigallinarum of hen faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiHjej8B7-25341 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816792. The GC content of the type genome is 55.79% and the genome length is 2.8 Mbp. |