Description of Candidatus Mediterraneibacter stercoravium sp. nov. |
Candidatus Mediterraneibacter stercoravium (ster.cor.a’ L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. fem. n. avis bird; N.L. gen. n. stercoravium of bird faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK196-3914 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816603. The GC content of the type genome is 48.72% and the genome length is 2.5 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Mediterraneibacter stercorigallinarum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Mediterraneibacter stercorigallinarum (’rum. L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. stercorigallinarum of hen faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiGjej1B1-13045 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816697. The GC content of the type genome is 50.04% and the genome length is 2.3 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Mediterraneibacter stercoripullorum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Mediterraneibacter stercoripullorum (’rum. L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; N.L. gen. n. stercoripullorum of the faceces of young chickens) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK195-1396 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816610. The GC content of the type genome is 48.12% and the genome length is 3.2 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Mediterraneibacter surreyensis sp. nov. |
Candidatus Mediterraneibacter surreyensis (sur.rey.en’sis. N.L. masc. adj. surreyensis pertaining to the English county of Surrey where the samples in the study were collected) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK177-12742 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816593. The GC content of the type genome is 46.80% and the genome length is 2.9 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Mediterraneibacter tabaqchaliae sp. nov. |
Candidatus Mediterraneibacter tabaqchaliae (ta.baq.cha’ N.L. fem. gen. n. tabaqchaliae named in honour of British microbiologist Soad Tabaqchali) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiGjej3B3-11674 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816791. The GC content of the type genome is 51.91% and the genome length is 2.7 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Mediterraneibacter vanvlietii sp. nov. |
Candidatus Mediterraneibacter vanvlietii (van.vliet’i.i. N.L. gen. n. vanvlietii named in honour of Dutch microbiologist Arnoud van Vliet) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiBcec1-362 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816623. The GC content of the type genome is 48.47% and the genome length is 3.0 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Megamonas gallistercoris sp. nov. |
Candidatus Megamonas gallistercoris (’co.ris. L. masc. n. gallus chicken; L. neut. n. stercus dung; N.L. gen. n. gallistercoris of chicken faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiGjej6B6-7947 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816859. This is a new name for the alphanumeric GTDB species sp900554895. The GC content of the type genome is 40.34% and the genome length is 2.2 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Merdenecus gen. nov. |
Candidatus Merdenecus (Merd.en.e’cus. L. fem. n. merda dung; Gr. masc. enoikos inhabitant; N.L. masc. n. Merdenecus a microbe associated with faeces) |
A bacterial genus identified by metagenomic analyses. The genus includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥60% average amino acid identity (AAI) to the type genome from the type species Candidatus Merdenecus merdavium. This is a name for the alphanumeric GTDB genus MCWD5. This genus has been assigned by GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 working on GTDB Release 05-RS95 (Chaumeil et al., 2019; Parks et al., 2020) to the order Lachnospirales and to the family Lachnospiraceae. |