Description of Candidatus Onthomorpha gen. nov. |
Candidatus Onthomorpha (On.tho.mor’pha. Gr. masc. n. onthos dung; Gr. fem. n. morphe a form, shape; N.L. fem. n. Onthomorpha a microbe associated with faeces) |
A bacterial genus identified by metagenomic analyses. The genus includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥60% average amino acid identity (AAI) to the type genome from the type species Candidatus Onthomorpha intestinigallinarum. This is a name for the alphanumeric GTDB genus UBA3388. This genus has been assigned by GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 working on GTDB Release 05-RS95 (Chaumeil et al., 2019; Parks et al., 2020) to the order Bacteroidales and to the family P3. |
Description of Candidatus Onthomorpha intestinigallinarum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Onthomorpha intestinigallinarum (’rum. L. neut. n. intestinum gut; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. intestinigallinarum of the gut of the hens) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID Gambia16-930 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15817128. The GC content of the type genome is 42.76% and the genome length is 1.7 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Onthoplasma gen. nov. |
Candidatus Onthoplasma (On.tho.plas’ma. Gr. masc. n. onthos dung; Gr. neut. n. plasma a form; N.L. neut. n. Onthoplasma a microbe associated with faeces) |
A bacterial genus identified by metagenomic analyses. The genus includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥60% average amino acid identity (AAI) to the type genome from the type species Candidatus Onthoplasma faecipullorum. This is a name for the alphanumeric GTDB genus UBA4626. This genus has been assigned by GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 working on GTDB Release 05-RS95 (Chaumeil et al., 2019; Parks et al., 2020) to the order 4C28d-15 and to the family UBA1242. |
Description of Candidatus Onthoplasma faecigallinarum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Onthoplasma faecigallinarum (’rum. L. fem. n. faex, faecis excrement; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. faecigallinarum of hen faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID 5992 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15817127. The GC content of the type genome is 34.71% and the genome length is 1.0 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Onthoplasma faecipullorum sp. nov. |
Candidatus Onthoplasma faecipullorum (’rum. L. fem. n. faex, faecis excrement; L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; N.L. gen. n. faecipullorum of young chicken faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID CHK191-42317 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15817053. The GC content of the type genome is 31.88% and the genome length is 1.1 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Onthosoma gen. nov. |
Candidatus Onthosoma (’ma. Gr. masc. n. onthos dung; Gr. neut. n. soma a body; N.L. neut. n. Onthosoma a microbe associated with faeces) |
A bacterial genus identified by metagenomic analyses. The genus includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥60% average amino acid identity (AAI) to the type genome from the type species Candidatus Onthosoma merdavium. This is a name for the alphanumeric GTDB genus OEMR01. This genus has been assigned by GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 working on GTDB Release 05-RS95 (Chaumeil et al., 2019; Parks et al., 2020) to the order Erysipelotrichales and to the family Erysipelotrichaceae. |
Description of Candidatus Onthosoma merdavium sp. nov. |
Candidatus Onthosoma merdavium (merd.a’ L. fem. n. merda faeces; L. fem. n. avis bird; N.L. gen. n. merdavium of bird faeces) |
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiBcec15-4520 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15817169. This is a new name for the alphanumeric GTDB species sp900199515. The GC content of the type genome is 45.30% and the genome length is 1.6 Mbp. |
Description of Candidatus Onthousia gen. nov. |
Candidatus Onthousia (Onth.ou’si.a. Gr. masc. n. onthos dung; Gr. fem. n. ousia an essence; N.L. fem. n. Onthousia a microbe associated with faeces) |
A bacterial genus identified by metagenomic analyses. The genus includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥60% average amino acid identity (AAI) to the type genome from the type species Candidatus Onthousia faecavium. This is a name for the alphanumeric GTDB genus CAG-451. This genus has been assigned by GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 working on GTDB Release 05-RS95 (Chaumeil et al., 2019; Parks et al., 2020) to the order RF39 and to the family CAG-611. |