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. 2021 Apr 6;9:e10941. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10941
Description of Candidatus Avoscillospira avicola sp. nov.
Candidatus Avoscillospira avicola (’ L. fem. n. avis bird; L. suff. -cola inhabitant of; N.L. n. avicola inhabitant of birds)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiBcec15-4380 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816934. The GC content of the type genome is 61.76% and the genome length is 2.5 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Avoscillospira avistercoris sp. nov.
Candidatus Avoscillospira avistercoris (’co.ris. L. fem. n. avis bird; L. neut. n. stercus dung; N.L. gen. n. avistercoris of bird faeces)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiBcec16-1751 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816964. The GC content of the type genome is 58.00% and the genome length is 2.4 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Avoscillospira stercorigallinarum sp. nov.
Candidatus Avoscillospira stercorigallinarum (’rum. L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. stercorigallinarum of hen faeces)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiSjej2B20-13462 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816948. The GC content of the type genome is 63.01% and the genome length is 2.2 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Avoscillospira stercoripullorum sp. nov.
Candidatus Avoscillospira stercoripullorum (’rum. L. neut. n. stercus dung; L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; N.L. gen. n. stercoripullorum of the faceces of young chickens)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiHjej9B8-7071 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816951. The GC content of the type genome is 60.69% and the genome length is 1.9 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Bacteroides avicola sp. nov.
Candidatus Bacteroides avicola (’ L. fem. n. avis bird; L. suff. -cola inhabitant of; N.L. n. avicola inhabitant of birds)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiHjej12B11-9795 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816830. This is a new name for the alphanumeric GTDB species sp002160055. The GC content of the type genome is 50.12% and the genome length is 3.0 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Bacteroides intestinavium sp. nov.
Candidatus Bacteroides intestinavium (in.tes.tin.a’ L. neut. n. intestinum gut; L. fem. n. avis bird; N.L. gen. n. intestinavium of the gut of birds)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID ChiHecec1B25-7008 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816665. The GC content of the type genome is 54.17% and the genome length is 2.6 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Bacteroides intestinigallinarum sp. nov.
Candidatus Bacteroides intestinigallinarum (’rum. L. neut. n. intestinum gut; L. fem. n. gallina hen; N.L. gen. n. intestinigallinarum of the gut of the hens)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID 2926 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816831. This is a new name for the alphanumeric GTDB species sp003463205. The GC content of the type genome is 41.82% and the genome length is 5.8 Mbp.
Description of Candidatus Bacteroides intestinipullorum sp. nov.
Candidatus Bacteroides intestinipullorum (’rum. L. neut. n. intestinum gut; L. masc. n. pullus a young chicken; N.L. gen. n. intestinipullorum of the gut of young chickens)
A bacterial species identified by metagenomic analyses. This species includes all bacteria with genomes that show ≥95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome, which has been assigned the MAG ID B3-3758 and which is available via NCBI BioSample SAMN15816671. The GC content of the type genome is 53.99% and the genome length is 2.7 Mbp.