Prognostic significance of aminopeptidase gene expression in MM. (A) In the FIMM dataset consisting of 122 MM samples, NDMM (n = 41) and RRMM (n = 81), from 99 different patients, 11 aminopeptidase genes were predicted to be associated with poor prognosis (p < 0.05). From these 11 genes, 4 were further validated in the CoMMpass dataset. Survival curves are shown for the 4 aminopeptidase genes based on the FIMM dataset, dividing the patients with low gene expression (n = 61) and high gene expression (n = 61): (B) XPNPEP1, (C) RNPEP, (D) DPP3, and (E) BLMH. NDMM: newly diagnosed multiple myeloma; RRMM: relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma; HR: hazard ratio; CI: confidence interval.