Table 7.
Comparison of the recent designs of microwave resonators in terms of the electric field profile.
Ref. | Sensor | (GHz) | Applications | Electric Field (v/m) |
[117] | Closed-loop enclosed SRR | 6.1 | For aqueous and blood-glucose measurements | 1.225 × |
[118] | Circular CSRR | 2.4 | For water-ethanol mixtures | 5.000 × |
[23] | Differential MCSRR | 1.618 | Liquid/PDMS | 1.066 × |
[78] | Asymmetric CPW SRR | 1.57 | Solid and liquid sensing | 5.000 × |
[119] | Metamaterial-based sensor | 12-Aug | Branded and unbranded diesel | 1.512 × |
[120] | Microwave planar resonator | 4.5∼4.6 | For monitoring organic contaminants in water | 1.000 × |
[79] | CPW open stub resonator | 1.8 | Liquid permittivity sensing | 1.130 × |
[82] | Dual-band using CSRR | 2.45 & 5.8 | For investigation of liquid impurity concentration | 2.000 × |
[121] | Two CSRRs | 2.36 | For full characterization of magneto-dielectric materials | 1.574 × |
[122] | SIW | 2.2 | Fully characterizing magneto-dielectric (MD) materials | 1.905 × |
[123] | Symmetric CPW with IDC | 4.5 | For permittivity characterization | 1.250 × |
[10] | Metamaterial-based microwave sensor | 3.43 | Liquid sensor | 4.000 × |
[96] | Open CSRR | 0.330–0.204 | Dropping-based liquid dielectric characterization | 1.800 × |
[124] | A sensor based on SSPPs | ≈8.7 | To detect defects in film-coated metals and non-metallic materials | 1.000 × |
[101] | Circular SIW sensor | 4.4 | For aqueous dielectric detection | 1.535 × |
[84] | Planar cylindrical resonant RF sensor | 1.5 | For the characterization of dielectric samples | 4.524 × |
[125] | Microwave sensor based on an interdigital capacitor-shaped defect ground structure | 1.5 | For permittivity characterization | 8.000 × |
[126] | Planar microwave probe | 11.56 | For adulteration detection in edible oils | 8.295 × |
[127] | Radio frequency (RF) resonator-based noncontact sensor | 1.37 | Accurate quantification of uric acid in temperature-variant aqueous solutions | 3.008 × |
[128] | SIW resonator | 2.39 | A binary water alcohol mixture | 2.000 × |
[129] | Radio-frequency dielectric measurement | 0.15 | Determination of meat moisture content | 1.312 × |
[130] | A resonator-based metamaterial | 7.6 | Solid materials | 1.086 × |
[131] | Dual band planar microwave sensor | 2.5 & 3.8 | For dielectric characterization using solid and liquid samples | 9.750 × |
[132] | Transmission line integrated metamaterial-based liquid sensor | 8 to 12 | Liquid materials | 2.500 × |