Immunocytochemical staining of seeded UCs (I) and SMCs (II) on ASC-based self-assembled scaffold. The expression of UPIa, UPII, CK7, and CK20 by UCs (IA,IC,IE,IG) and a-SMA, MHC and smoothelin by SMCs (IIA,IIC,IIE), are detected in red color. No UC and SMC marker expression was detected in negative control. 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) was used as nuclear counterstain in blue color. The blue color detected in negative control (I and II), represents nuclei of UC (IB,ID,IF,IH) and ASCs (IIB,IID,IIF). The scale bar represents 100 μm. Results are from a representative of three independent experiments.