Figure 1.
Double and triple immunofluorescence analysis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brains for the simultaneous detection of fibrillar Aβ species on blood vessel walls (V). (A) Representative micrograph sections of insoluble (stained with thiazine red (TR); red channel), AβN3(pE) peptide (green channel) and Aβ1-40 (blue) deposits that span the entire vessel wall, with blue arrowheads pointing to suspected string vessels. (B) Triple immunostaining against AβN3(pE) peptide (green), TR (red), and Aβ1-42 (blue); the amyloid deposits are observed both in the amyloid plaque (P) and in the wall of the blood vessel (V), and, for the latter, structural alterations are observed (arrowhead). (C) Representative micrograph of dense, insoluble (TR; red channel) Aβ1-40 (blue channel) deposits and patchy deposits of Aβ1-42 (green channel, white arrows), on the blood-vessel wall. (D) Representative micrograph of dense, insoluble amyloid deposits (TR; red channel) and diffuse perivascular and blood vessel wall deposits of AβN11(pE) (green channel). The scale bar = 20 μm is common for all micrographs.