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. 2021 Mar 28;18(7):3498. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18073498

Table 1.

Characteristics of derivation studies used for consensus definition of low grip strength.

Name of Consensus (YOP) Study Population Characteristics Measurement Method of Grip Strength Method for Derivation of Cut-Offs Points
Sample Size and Region Age Characteristics of Participants Device Used No. of Trials per Hand Selection of Hand Value Used for Analysis
EWGSOP2 (2020) 49,964
Great Britain
(12 cohorts) [12]
Median: 58 (Range 4–102) Community-dwelling
Exclusion: none
Mixed: Jamar Harpenden Smedley Nottingham Takei Mixed
Both hands,
Domi-nant hand
Max. ≥2.5 SDs below the gender-specific population mean
AWGS1 (2014) 1158
Mean W: 73.9
Mean M: 74.4
(Range 65 to N.r.)
Exclusion: none
Takei 1 Both hands Max. Lowest quartile
(by gender)
AWGS2 (2019) 26,344
(7 cohorts)
Mean: N.r. (Range 65 to N.r.) Community-dwelling
Exclusion: none
Mixed: Smedley Jamar 2 N.r. Max. Lowest quintile
(by gender)
EWGSOP1 (2010) 1030
Mean: N.r. (Range 20–102) Community-dwelling
Exclusion: Participants stroke, Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, and cognitive impairment
N.r. N.r. N.r. N.r. Optimal cutoff according to ROC in the identification of participants walking slower than 0.8 m/s
FNIH2 (2014) 20,847
Europe (9 cohorts)
Mean W: 78.1
Mean M: 74.9
(Range 65 to N.r.)
Exclusion: none
Smith& Nephew Medley
MixedBoth hands, right hand, left hand Max. CART analysis predicting probability of slow walking
(<0.8 m/s)
(by gender) (a)
FNIH1 (2014) 26,625 USA/
(9 cohorts)
Mean W: 78.6
Mean M: 75.2
(Range 65 to N.r.)
Exclusion: none
Mixed (Jamar, Smith Medley) N.r. Either hand Max. CART analysis predicting probability of slow walking
(<0.8 m/s)
(by gender) (a)
5317 USA
(2 cohorts)
Mean: N.r. (Range 65-101) Community-dwelling
Exclusion: history of Parkinson’s disease, stroke, or Mini-Mental scores <18, and intake of Sinemet, Aricept, or antidepressant
Jamar 3 Domi-nant Mean Lowest 20th percentile
(by gender, and BMI)
SDOC (2020) 18,767
(8 cohorts)
Mean W: 77.1 Mean M: 78.1 (Range 65 to N.r.) Community-dwelling
Exclusion: none
Jamar Mixed 2–3 Either hand Max. CART analyses (ROC curve and Youden index) predicting slow walking speed (<1.0 m/s)

Abbreviations: N.r., not reported; YOP, year of publication; AWGS, Asia Working Group on Sarcopenia; EWGSOP, European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People; FNIH, The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Biomarkers Consortium Sarcopenia Project; SDOC, Sarcopenia Definitions and Outcomes Consortium; SD, standard deviation; W, women; M, men; ROC, receiver operating curve. (a) Detailed specification by the authors: “Because the additional value of including BMI in the definition of weakness was unclear (ie, including BMI did not consistently improve model fit or result in stronger associations between weakness and slowness), we elected to use cutpoints based on grip strength alone as our primary analysis.”