Table 3.
Domain | Basic Service | Pre-Intervention | Post-Intervention | ||
LGH Bomi | St. Timothy | LGH Bomi | St. Timothy | ||
Water | Water is available from an improved source on the premises | √ | X | √ | √ |
Sanitation | Improved sanitation facilities are usable, with at least one toilet dedicated for staff, at least one sex-separated toilet with menstrual hygiene facilities, and at least one toilet accessible for people with limited mobility. | X | X | √ | √ |
Hygiene | Functional hand hygiene facilities (with water and soap and/or alcohol-based hand rub) is available at points of care and within five meters of toilets | X | X | √ | √ |
Waste Management | Waste is safely segregated into at least three bins, and sharps are treated and disposed of safely | X | X | √ | √ |
Environmental Cleaning | Basic protocols for cleaning are available, and staff with cleaning responsibilities have all received training | X | X | √ | √ |
* Per Liberian WASH and Environmental Health Package in Health Facilities and SDG 6 standards, √ = available, X = not available.