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. 2021 Apr 1;18(7):3668. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18073668


Study N Age Educational Setting Primary Purpose of Study Study Design Music Variables Emotion
Music Style Relevant Data Collection Measures
Moore & Hanson-Abromeit [61] 8 3 to 5 Preschool To examine feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation (MCRF) intervention, a multi-session strategy for promoting ER development in preschoolers Case study To participate in the MCRF intervention Emotion understanding accuracy; emotional regulation; child’s expression of emotion Not specified Language Development Survey (part of ASEBA; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000); Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC; Shields & CIcchetti, 1997, 1998); Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF), both part of the ASEBA (Asenbach & Rescorla, 2000)
Boone & Cunningham [62] 47 3 to 6 Preschool To determine if children can accurately express the emotional meaning in music through expressive movement Observational 12 music segments previously identified as belonging to one emotional category (happiness, sadness, ange or fear) Happiness, sadness, anger, or fear (1) Romanian Rhapsody, Opus 11/Enesco; (2) Peter Gynt; Ase’s Death, Suite No. 1, Opus 46/Grieg; (3) Theme to Lifeforce/Mancini; (4) Surprise Attack The Wrath of Khan/Horner; (5) Concerto in D, Opus 35/Tschaikovsky; (6) The Humorous Song/Lyadov (7) The Rite of Spring/Stravinsky (8) The Red Poppy, the Russian Sailor’s Dance/Gliere (9) Winter Games/Foster (10) Anvil of Crom, Conan/Poledouris (11) Venus/Holst; (12) The Walls Converge, Star Wars. Williams Ad hoc observational registration
Brown & Sax [63] 205 4 Preschool To examine the impact of arts-integrated preschool programming on the emotional func-tioning of low-income children at risk for school problems Correlational Participate in an arts integrated preschool program Emotion understanding, empathy, emotional lability, anger reactivity, negative emotion intensity Not specified: music, dance, and visual arts class Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III; Dunn & Dunn, 1997); Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC; Shields & Cicchetti, 1997); and an adapted version of the Affex system, which is grounded in DET (izard, Dougherty, & Hembree, 1989)
Habibi et al. [64] 45 6 to 7 Out of school To determine whether children who participate in musical training were different, prior to training, from children in the control groups in terms of cognitive, motor, musical, emotional, and social
Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) To be involved in a systematic and high intensity musicaltraining, and music perception Emotional recognition and empathy Not specified. Gordon’s
primary measures of music audiation (PMMA) requires children to listen to a recording of 40 pairs of simple rhythms and 40 pairs
of tone sequences and make a same/different judgment for each pair by circling a pair of same or different faces (Gordon, 1986).
Auditory analysis test (Rosner and Simon, 1971); Gordon’s primary measures of music audiation (PMMA; Gordon, 1986); Reading the Mind in the Eyes (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001); Index of Empathy for Children (Bryant, 1982); video emotion test (Goldstein adn Winner, 2012); Helping and sharing test (ad hoc)
Nieminen et al. [65] 127 6 to 9 Elementary school To investigate the effects of age, gender, and music education on musical preference, musical emotion recognition, and the use of the aesthetic categories for music Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (non-randomized sample) Musical preference and musical mode (major, minor and free tonal) Beauty, ugliness, happiness and sadness Three short musical pieces (20 s each) resembling familiar children’s songs of Western music Ad hoc questionnaire and task
Ramdane et al. [66] 186 6 to 12 Elementary school To investigate the usefulness of using music and songs by Islamic Education teachers Correlational Using music at the classroom Emotional awareness Not specified Ad hoc questionnaire and interviews
Jeremic et al. [67] 89 7 Elementary school To study the effect of vocal performance as a teaching method in relation to the social-emotional competencies (SEC) of pupils Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) The vocal performance teaching method Empathy, impulsivity, emotional control and reactions Songs by ear where the basic psychological processes take place when singing accompanied by elements of vocal technique. Perceptual characteristics include singing by ear, tone of voice and resonance Scale for assessment of social-emotional competencies of students (SEC)
Schellenberg & Mankarious [68] 60 7 to 8 Out of school To examine whether music training in childhood is predictive of understanding emotions Correlational Child’s history of music lessons Emotion recognition Not specified Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC; Pons & Harris, 2000), and Weschler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI; Weschler, 1999)
Pimenta & Trevisan [69] 31 7 to 9 Elementary school To analyze the influence of music in promoting changes in the relationship established by students of recovery class with school activities Case study Activities with music, musical compositions Aggressive, loud and disinterested in the classroom versus calm, participatory and interested in music gatherings Not specified Ad hoc instruments
Rauduvaite [70] 70 7 to 9 Elementary school To analize how popular music can educate Observational Popular music repertoire Positive emotions towards learning Popular music. “Mom” song (music by R. Sileika, lyrics by D. Teiserskyte).
“You and Me” song (music by V. Noreikis, lyrics by A. Cibarauskas)
Listening to “The Return of Spring” by D. and G. Gibsons
Ad hoc instruments
Kang [71] 3 7 to 10 Elementary school To examine the possibility of supportive music and imagery (MI) in addition to sandplay as a therapeutic treatment to improve emotional and behavioral adaptability for child witnesses of domestic violence Case study Create music through improvisation with musical instruments or their voices Emotional behavioral problems including depression, aggression, anxiety, oppositional
problem, PTSD, peace
Hello song, Goodbye song.
L’Arlesienne Suite No.1 Adagietto F major by Georges Bizet.
A Korean popular song, “A Firefly,” whose lyrics are about parting and loneliness.
Music for the children and the musical instruments in the therapy room while listening to the music.
Korean Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL)
Soulier [72] 234 7 to 11 Elementary school To study the effect of an emotional induction by music on the grammatical spelling performances of primary-school pupils Cross-sectional between subjects: experimental (non-randomized) Exposure to musical excerpts judged to be emotionally neutral, happy, and sad Positive, negative emotions and neutral emotions Musical excerpts with emotional valences: positive, negative and neutral: (1) Adagio en sol mineur—Tomaso Albinoni; (2) Nocturne C# Min op. Postuma-Frédéric Chopin (3) Prélude n◦ 4—Frédéric Chopin; (4) La mort d’Ase. Peer Gynt-Edvard Grieg; (5) Adagio pour cordes-Samuel Barber; (6) Danse des heures-Amilcare Ponchielli; (7) Le Sacre du printemps-Igor Stravinsky; (8) Dans l’Antre du roi de la montage-Edvard Grieg; (9) Marche Slave-Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovsky; (10) Danse Arabe-Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovsky; (11) Danse chinoise-Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovsky; (12) Le Carnaval des animaux-Camille Saint-Saëns; (13) Au matin-Edvard Grieg; (14) Bolero-Maurice Ravel; (15) Symphonie n 6—Ludwig van Beethoven The ECS Cycle III spelling test (Evaluation of School Skills, Cycle of Advanced Studies developed by Khomsi, 1998)
Kim & Kim [73] 60 7 to 12 Elementary school To determine the effects of a musical instrument performance program on emotional intelligence, anxiety, and aggression Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest study) Musical instrument performance program Emotional intelligence, anxiety, and aggression Not specified. A children’s song, sonata, or the flute part of an ensemble work for their level. The Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Aggression Scale
Schellenberg et al. [74] 84 8 Elementary school To examine whether social benefits are accrued from more typical group music training, specifically an existing program that was designed with music pedagogy as its focus Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) Attending public schools that incorporated this specialized program Emotion comprehension, sympathy and prosocial skills The repertoire includes arrangements of music taken from classical, jazz, traditional/folk, world, and popular genres Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Test of Emotion Comprehension, and Child-Report Sympathy Scale
Teske et al. [75] 14 8 to 9 Elementary school To determine the effects of positive mood induction through upbeat music and simulated laughter on creativity Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) Listening to a couple of minutes of upbeat instrumental music Positive mood and humor Instrumental music with a lively beat Ad hoc task
Venegas et al. [76] 67 8 to 13 Elementary school To assess the emotional satisfaction of students while using a cross-disciplinary software that links music and maths Case study Use of AudioGraphics software 7 positive and 7 negative (unpaired) emotions Not specified Ad hoc instruments
Tricard et al. [77] 83 9 to 10 Elementary school To examine the influence of inducing positive and negative emotional states on deductive reasoning performances Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trials, non-randomized sample) To be exposed to video clips and music Happines and sadness Music of movies: (1) « Beach Day » of Blanket Barricade; (2) « Adagio for Strings » of Samuel Barber; (3) Background sounds of nature Facial Action Coding System (Westermann et al., 1996)
Yun & Kim [78] 43 9 to 12 Elementary school To verify whether the Orff Approach is a proper program to be used with potentially problematic children in order to increase their self-expression, self-efficacy, and social skills Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) The Orff Approach method Self-expression, self-efficacy, self-confidence, self-regulation efficacy and social skills, Not specified Self-expression measure (Byun and Kim, 1980); self-efficacy measure (Han, 2002); social skills measure (Mun, 2006)
Katagiri [79] 12 9 to 15 Out of school To examine the effect of background music and song texts to teach emotional understanding to children with autism Cross-sectional between groups; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample, counterbalanced treatment) Background music or singing song, both related to each studied emotion (1) Type of emotion (happiness, sadness, anger, and fear), and (2) receptive or expressive skill of emotional understanding Not specified (background music was improvised on the piano and recorded by four pianists skilled at improvisation. Musical cues were taken from Juslin (2000), in which each emotion was associated with a specified tempo, sound level, frequency spectrum, articulation (legato-staccato) and articulation variability. Music recordings representing the four emotions) Emotional decoding and encoding tasks
Campayo et al. [80] 3 10 Out of school To examine the relationship between intrapersonal skills and the musical performance of elementary students studying the piano in a Spanish conservatory Action-research curricula for the trird year of piano studies Emotional awareness, regulation and autonomy Not specified Ad hoc semi-structured interviews, Teacher´s diary, Video-recordings, CE-360 Assessment protocol
Cook et al. [81] 65 10 to 11 Elementary school This study evaluated the impact of music-based contact with autistic peers on the attitudes, emotions and behaviors of neurotypical children Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) Music-based contact with autistic peers Prosocial
and sympathy
Not specified (They received 11 weekly singing classes − 35 min in length—that were specifically designed to help children develop their social skills, musical engagement and communication between singers) Social Behaviour Questionnaire (Tremblay et al., 1991) modified; Child-Report Sympathy Scale (Eisenberg et al., 1996) modified; victim scale from the Bullying Prevalence Questionnaire (Rigby and Slee, 1993); bully scale from the Bullying Prevalence Questionnaire (Rigby and Slee, 1993); and ad hoc questionnaire
Lebaka [82] 8 10 to 11 Elementary school To examine whether selected songs songs are relevant for enriching attitudes and cultural values of children Descriptive 31 songs collected from Bapedi women. Techniques of playing brass and percussion instruments; singing and reading music; and improvisation Self-confidence and prosocial
Traditional Pedi religious songs Ad hoc instruments
Ho et al. [83] 101 10 to 12 Elementary school To assess the effects of 12 weeks of school counselorled drumming on social-emotional
in two fifth-grade intervention classrooms
Cross-sectional between subjects; experimental (controlled trial, non-randomized sample) Participation in a 12 weeks of school-counselorled drumming program Emotion management (anxiety, depression, withdrawn, somatic complaints, rule-breaking,
Not specified (A hybrid of activities used in contemporary drum circles) Teacher’s Report Form (teacher version of the Child Behaviour Checklist)
Porta [84] 163 10 to 12 Elementary school To discover the favorite audiovisuals of a sample of 11–12 year old children. To learn what meaning and sense music has for them. Correlational Audiovisuals with or without music Emotional bond Selection of 14 sequences from the children’s favorite audiovisuals: film; cartoons series; documentary Ad hoc questionnaires
Kawakami & Katahira [85] 84 11.9 Elementary school To investigate the emotional mechanisms that make people experience pleasant emotion when listening to sad music Observational Listening to two minor pieces considered sad by previous studies; Musical preference Emotional state (among 50 emotions) Granados’s Allegro
de Concierto (G minor), and
Glinka’s La Separation (F minor),
50 emotion-related descriptive words and phrases on a 1 to 5 scale (ad hoc); Interpersonal Reactivity Index for children (Hasegawa et al., 2009)
Su et al. [86] 62 11 to 12 Elementary school To examine the effects of the Mozart piece K.448 on the learning anxiety, cognitive load, reading rates and reading comprehension of students for reading e-books Cross-sectional within subjects; experimental (non-randomized sample) Being exposed to background music (K.448) Anxiety Mozart’s piano concerto K.488 Ad hoc reading comprehension tests, leaning anxiety scales from two previous studies (Venkatesh, 2000; He, Chang & Liu, 2010), and a scale of cognitive load (Ouyang et al., 2010)