Table 1.
Gene(s) of Interest. | Name, Aliases | Phenotype | References |
all (UPD Chr 7) | T(7;18)50H/+ (JAX001816,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
postnatal lethality (100%) growth retardation |
[55] * |
all (6.8 Mb deletion) |
PWS∆LMP2A TgPWS/AS(del) Del(7Herc2-Mkrn3)13FRdni/+ |
fetal growth retardation postnatal growth retardation neonatal lethality (100%) reduced movement irregular respiratory rate hypoglycemia pancreatic apoptosis insulin ↓, glucagon ↓ corticosterone ↑, ghrelin ↑ |
[40] * [56,57,58] |
Frat3 |
Peg12 tm1Brn |
none | [30] * |
Mkrn3 | Mkrn3 m+/p− | lower weight from P45 earlier onset of puberty GnRH1 ↑ |
[54] * |
Magel2 |
Magel2m+/p− Magel2 KO C57BL/6-Magel2tm1Stw/J (JAX009062,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
116HG expression ↓ postnatal lethality (~10%) reduced weight until P28 body fat ↑ lean mass ↓ bone mineral density ↓ impaired glucose homeostasis impaired cholesterol homeostasis insulin resistance leptin resistance dopamine ↓, serotonin ↓ adiponectin ↑ corticosterones ↑ oxytocin ↓ different feeding behavior less active anxiety impaired social behavior delayed onset of puberty progressive infertility |
[53] * [59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72] |
Magel2 |
Magel2 tm1.1Mus |
postnatal lethality (~50%) weak suckling oxytocin ↓, orexin-A ↓ abnormal social behavior impaired learning ability |
[52] * [73] |
Magel2 (overexpression of truncated protein) | CAG-trMagel2 | neonatal lethality (100%) small body size, poor suckling |
[74] * |
Necdin |
Ndn tm1Alb |
none | [51] * |
Necdin |
Ndntm2Stw B6.129S1(Cg)-Ndntm2Stw/J (JAX009089,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
postnatal lethality (80–95% C57BL/6 and 25% FVB) respiratory distress |
[48] * [75,76] |
Necdin |
Ndnm+/p− B6.129S2-Ndntm1.1Mus |
postnatal lethality (21–31%) respiratory distress oxytocin ↓ serotonin ↓ |
[50] * [77,78] |
Necdin |
Ndn tm1Ky |
respiratory abnormalities DRG neuron apoptosis ↑ pain sensitivity ↓ noradrenergic excitability ↓ |
[49] * [79] |
Necdin |
Ndnm+/p− Necdin KO necdin m+/p− |
unstable circadian rhythm | [80] * |
Snord116 IPW Snord115 Ube3a |
Snrpn-Ube3a deletion Del(7Ube3a-Snrpn)1Alb |
neonatal lethality (80%) growth retardation hypotonia |
[41] * |
all (IC deletion) |
PWS-IC∆35kb Snrpntm2Cbr ∆PWS-IC PWS-ICdel PWS-ICdel35kb B6.129-Snrpntm2Cbr/J (JAX012443,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
neonatal lethality (40–90% depending on background) growth retardation hypotonia decreased locomotive ability abnormal behavior ghrelin ↑ increased food consumption food-seeking behavior ↑ |
[45] * [81,82,83,84,85,86] |
all (IC deletion) |
m+/p del4.8kb
PWS-IC ∆4.8 Snrpn tm2Alb |
neonatal lethality (40%) growth retardation |
[46] * |
all, except Snrpn, Snord64, 116, 115 (IC deletion) |
Snrpn tm1Kaj |
neonatal lethality (47% C57BL/6J and 16% 129S1/Sv) growth retardation feeding difficulties |
[87] * |
all (IC deletion) | PWS-ICm+/p∆6kb PWS-IC∆6kb B6.129S1-Snrpntm2.1Kaj/J (JAX018395,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
neonatal lethality (100%) growth retardation feeding difficulties |
[47] * |
Snord116/IPW |
PWScrm+/p− Del(7Ipw-Snord116)1Jbro (distributed by TRAM Münster) |
neonatal lethality (15%) growth retardation pOx ↑, Peg3 ↑ decreased gray-matter volume altered sleep profile altered body temperature |
[42] * [88,89] |
Snord116/IPW |
Snord116del Snord116tm1Uta Snord116+/−P B6(Cg)-Snord116tm1.1Uta/J (JAX008149,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
growth retardation Igf1 ↓ ghrelin ↓ impaired pancreatic development altered diurnal methylation increased anxiety altered respiratory exchange rate resistant to obesity |
[43] * [90,91,92,93,94] |
Snord116/IPW (homozygous) |
Snord116 −/− |
growth retardation fat mass ↓ increased food consumption altered diurnal activity profile resistant to obesity altered hypothalamic signaling |
[95] * |
Snord116/IPW (only Npy+ Neurons) |
Snord116lox/lox/NPYcre/+ (JAX008118,, accessed on 20 March 2021) |
growth retardation fat mass ↓ increased food consumption altered diurnal activity profile altered hypothalamic signaling |
[95] * |
Snord116/IPW (adult-onset) |
Snord116 deletion | reduced food consumption insulin resistance |
[96] * |
Snord116/IPW (adult-onset) |
AAV-Snord116delm+/p− Snord116flAAV-Cre |
increased food consumption bodyweight ↑ bodyfat percentage ↑ |
[91] * |
Snord115 | Snord115-deficient | brown adipose tissue ↑ modest alterations in 5-Htr2cr mRNA A-to-I editing |
[44] * |
Snord116 (single copy transgene) | no effect on phenotype | [43] * | |
Snord116 (transgene 2 mouse, 1 rat copies) |
PWScrm+/p−TgSnord116 | no effect on phenotype | [97] * |
Snord116 (transgene 27 copies) | no effect on phenotype | [98] * | |
all (biallelic IC deletion) |
PWS-ICm∆4.8kB/p∆S-U |
rescue of postnatal lethality rescue of growth retardation |
[99] |
Snord116/IPW (maternal IC deletion) |
PWScrm5′LoxP/p− (distributed by TRAM Münster) |
Rescue of growth retardation in adult mice alterations in 5-Htr2cr mRNA A-to-I editing in the choroid plexus. |
[97] * |
Snord116 (AAV-mediated) | Snord116delm−/p−AAV-Snord116 | energy expenditure ↑ rate of weight gain ↓ |
[100] * |
Original publications are marked by *, up- and downregulation of physiological parameters is represented by arrows (↑ and ↓).