Fig. 2.
Similarity of aging-related genes between locusts and canonical model species. a Gene expression heatmap. Cell colors represent the Pearson’s correlation coefficient of gene expression values from two samples. A deep red color indicates high positive correlation. The red, green, and blue squares at the right panel denote the three time points. b Samples classified using the adjustment for confounding principal component analysis (AC-PCA) depending on the age time point. Dots represent the samples shaped on the basis of organs and colored in accordance with ages. c Boxplot shows the absolute PC2 scores of locust genes with or without identified orthologs in the GenAge database. The PC2 scores are from AC-PCA. The P-values determined by Mann–Whitney U test was denoted. d Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis based on top 2000 genes ranked on the basis of the absolute PC2 values of AC-PCA. The shading of circles indicates the relative significance of the GO term (a darker shade indicates a more significant GO term), and the size of the circles corresponds to the number of genes annotated to the term (a larger size indicates a higher number)