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. 2021 Mar 28;18(7):3507. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18073507

Table 3.

Correlation matrix.

Measures Romberg Index Load Percentage Difference PEQ Score BPE Score
Romberg Index Pearson correlation 1 0.070 0.220 * 0.152
Sign. (two-tailed) 0.491 0.028 0.131
N 100 100 100 100
Load percentage difference Pearson correlation 0.070 1 0.512 ** 0.412 **
Sign. (two-tailed) 0.491 0.000 0.000
N 100 100 100 100
PEQ score Pearson correlation 0.220 * 0.512 ** 1 0.665 **
Sign. (two-tailed) 0.028 0.000 0.000
N 100 100 100 100
BPE Score Pearson correlation 0.152 0.412 ** 0.665 ** 1
Sign. (two-tailed) 0.131 0.000 0.000
N 100 100 100 100

*. The correlation is significant at the 0.05 (two-tailed) level. **. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 (two-tailed) level. PEQ: Postural Evaluation Questionnaire; BPE: Biomechanical Postural Evaluation.