Muneeb Ejaz received the B.Sc. degree in telecommunication from COMSATS University, Pakistan, in 2009 and the M.Sc. degree from the University of Oulu, Finland, in 2020. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Center for Wireless Communication, University of Oulu, Finland. His current research interests include Internet of Things, cloud, edge, local/extreme edge computing and, blockchain. |
Tanesh Kumar received the B.E. degree in computer engineering from the National University of Sciences and Technology (E&ME), Pakistan, in 2012, and the M.Sc. degree in computer science from South Asian University, New Delhi, India, in 2014 and Ph.D in 2020 from the Centre for Wireless Communications Research Group, University of Oulu, Finland. Currently he is working as a postdoctoral researcher in the same research group. He has coauthored over 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles. His current research interests include security, privacy and trust in the IoT, edge computing, blockchain and Medical ICT. |
Ivana Kovacevic received the bachelor’s degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 2012 and the M.Sc. degree in communications engineering from the University of Oulu, Finland, in 2015, where she is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in wireless networks. In 2015, she joined the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu. Her research interest is in the area of network slicing, low latency communications, radio resource management, edge computing, network optimization theory, game theory and machine learning. |
Mika Ylianttila (M. Sc, Dr.Sc, eMBA) is a full-time associate professor (tenure track) at the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), University of Oulu, Finland. He leads NSOFT (Network security and softwarization) research group, at CWC Networks and Systems research unit, which studies and develops secure, scalable and resource-efficient techniques for 5G and beyond 5G systems. He is the director of communications engineering doctoral degree program. Previously he was the director of Center for Internet Excellence (2012–2015), vice director of MediaTeam Oulu research group (2009–2011) and professor (pro tem) in computer science and engineering (2005–2010). He received his doctoral degree on Communications Engineering at the University of Oulu in 2005. He has co-authored more than 180 international peer-reviewed articles. His research interests include network security, edge computing, network virtualization and software-defined networking. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Editor in Wireless Networks and Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. |
Erkki Harjula is an Assistant Professor of Wireless System Level Architecture for Future Digital Healthcare at University of Oulu, Finland. He got a D.Sc. (Tech) degree in 2016 and M.Sc. (Eng) degree in 2007 from University of Oulu. Dr Harjula’s research interests include IoT communication, edge computing, distributed computing, distributed AI and distributed ledger technologies. In research, he is mostly concentrated in intelligent trustworthy distributed IoT and edge computing/communication in future digital healthcare. He has published more than 70 research articles, cited by more than 1100 times, and has an h-index of 18. He is an editorial board member in Springer Wireless Networks (WINE) Journal, and has acted as a guest editor or reviewer for several international scientific journals. He visited Columbia University in NY, USA, in winter 2008–2009. He has supervised numerous undergraduate and doctoral students and led several research projects. He is also a member of IEEE. |