Figure 8.
FN, VIM, and TGF-β expressions are increased in local recurrence but decreased during the progression of GBM into low-grade astrocytoma. Serial images including first and follow up examinations of a patient with GBM are shown by using either brain CT on 17 December 2009 (A) and 31 May 2016 (G) or head MRI on 17 December 2009 (B), 26 January 2010 (C), 4 June 2010 (D), 29 October 2014 (E), 30 October 2015 (F), and 13 September 2016 (H). The IHC staining images indicate the expression level of FN (I–K), VIM (L–N), and TGF-β (O–Q) proteins in origin (I, L, and O) and local recurrence (J, M, and P) of GBM, and progression into low-grade astrocytoma (K, N, and Q) tumor specimens.