Table A2.
The yoga exercise purpose and precautions.
Exercise Name | Purpose | Precautions |
Baddha–Konasana (bound angle pose) | Whole strengthening pelvis, legs | Careful with lower-back injury |
Parivrtta–Janu–Shirshasana (revolved head to knee pose) | Flexibility of shoulder and spine Balance for body |
Careful with shoulder, lower-back, knee injury |
Eka–Pada–Kapotasana (one leg pigeon pose) | Relax pelvis and balance for pelvis Release inner thigh muscle |
Careful with pelvis problems |
Upavistha–Konasana (wide-angle seated forward bend pose) | Good for digestion | Careful with pelvis problems |
Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend pose) Pranamasana (prayer pose) | Good for digestion Strengthen spine/ Flexibility of spine |
Careful with lower-back injury |
Marjaryasana (cat stretch pose prep) | Mobility and flexibility of spine | Careful with lower-back injury |
Purvottanasana (inclined plane pose) | Mobility of pelvis and spine Refresh brain |
Careful with hip, lower-back injury |
Marjaryasana (cat stretch pose) | Mobility and flexibility of spine | Careful with lower-back injury |
Ashva–Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose) | Lengthen spine | Careful with lower-back injury |
Dhanurasana (bow pose) | Strengthen lumbar spine and erector spinae | Careful with lower-back injury |
Bhujangasana (cobra pose) | Increase whole body vitality | Careful with lower-back injury |
Chanturanga–Dandasana (plank pose) | Strengthen whole body | Careful with lower-back injury |
Adho–Mukha–Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose) | Strengthen whole body and core | Careful with lower-back injury |
Ardha–Chandrasana (half moon pose) | Flexibility of spine Improve balance of lower body |
Careful with lower-back injury |
Trikonasana (triangle pose) | Strengthen hip and gleutus | Careful with lower-back injury Careful with leg problems |
Utkatasana (awkward pose) | Release shoulder tension Strengthen leg muscles |
Careful with shoulder issues |
Setu–Bandha–Sarvangasana (bridge shoulder stand pose) | Strengthen pelvic floor Strengthen spine |
Careful with lower-back injury |
Jathara–Parivartanasana (revolved abodomen pose) | Strengthen oblique abdominals Stretching |
Careful with lower-back injury |
Halasana (plough pose) | Improve shoulder function | Avoid with cervical disc |
Through the hole stretch pose | Improve flexibility of pelvis | Careful with hip problems |