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. 2021 Apr 6;14(7):1810. doi: 10.3390/ma14071810
AB autologous bone
A-PRF advanced platelet-rich fibrin
BS/BV bone surface/volume ratio
BS/TV bone surface density
BV/TV bone volume fraction
CBCT cone-beam computed tomography
Conn connectivity
ISQ implant stability quotient
MSA maxillary sinus augmentation
NB newly formed bone
NMT nonmineralized tissue
Po(op) open porosity
Po(tot) total porosity
RFA resonance frequency analysis
RG residual graft particles
ROI region of interest
PRF platelet-rich fibrin
SACBA serum albumin-coated bone allograft
SM Schneiderian membrane
Tb.Pf trabecular bone pattern factor
Tb.Sp trabecular separation
Tb.Th trabecular thickness
µCT micro–computed tomography