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. 2021 Apr 12;16(4):637–642. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2021.01.014

Table 1.

The literature review includes case reports of COVID-19 with atypical and unusual presentations reported in medical journals indexed in PubMed during the period of the pandemic from January 2020 to August 2020.

Author(s) Age Gender Presentation Medical imaging findings RT-PCR
Kaur et al.6 43-y-o Male Acute right leg pain with shortness of breath and fever for a week CXR→ bilateral hazy infiltrates
CTA→ Thrombus in right proximal superficial femoral artery
Davoodi et al.7 57-y-o Female Painful swelling and redness of left leg CXR→ bilateral patch GGO
CTA→ unremarkable
Doppler→ left lower limb DVT
Visveswaran et al.8 12-y-o Female Painful swelling of left leg evaluated before 5 days for erythema and diagnosed as cellulitis Venography→ extensive popliteal to common iliac vein thrombosis +ve SARS-COV-2 IgM
-ve SARS-COV-2 IgG
Hemasian et al.9 62-y-o Male Loss of consciousness Brain CT & MRI→ haemorrhagic infarction
Brain MRV→ sinus thrombosis in right transverse & sigmoid
Chest CT → GGO
Alkeridy et al.10 73-y-o Male Acute confusion Brain CT→ unremarkable
Brain CTA→ unremarkable
CXR → diffuse bilateral lung interstitial infiltrates
Ozturker et al.11 32-y-o Male Eye redness, stinging, watery discharge, and photophobia CXR→ unremarkable
Chest CT→ unremarkable
Sirakaya et al.12 40-y-o Male Bilateral acute conjunctivitis NA +ve
Doo et al.13 55-y-o Male Left wrist droop, left facial droop, and left arm weakness CTA of the head and neck→ large thrombus in the right CCA and acute right frontal infarction (PRES-like) +ve
de Freitas et al.14 39-y-o Male Left hemi facial herpes zoster with sharp pain preceded by fatigue, diarrhoea, and fever NA +ve
Abdalhadi et al.15 40-y-o Female Right iliac fossa pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite for 3 days CT → normal appendix with patchy consolidation and GGO in bilateral peripheral basal of lungs +ve
Kim et al.16 42-y-o Male Abdominal, testicular, and back pain for 8 days CXR→ unremarkable
Abdominal CT → GGO and consolidation in lung bases

COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019, SARS-COV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2, RT-PCR: reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, CXR: chest x-ray, CT: computed tomography, CTA: CT angiography, GGO: ground-glass opacity, DVT: deep venous thrombosis, NA: not available, -ve: negative, +ve: positive, y: year, o: old.