Table 2.
Characteristics | OR | 95% CI | P value |
Age (per 1-year increment) | 1.051 | 1.028 to 1.075 | <0.001* |
Hypertension | 2.288 | 1.121 to 4.673 | 0.024* |
Chronic kidney disease | 2.262 | 1.195 to 4.274 | 0.012* |
Hypoxia (SpO2 <95%) | 5.181 | 2.242 to 11.905 | <0.001* |
Rales/crackles | 2.101 | 1.080 to 4.098 | 0.029* |
Leucocytosis (WBC >10 000/µL) | 3.185 | 1.727 to 5.882 | <0.001* |
Respiratory acidosis | 7.463 | 3.546 to 15.625 | <0.001* |
Transaminitis (ALT >3× UNL) | 2.538 | 1.160 to 5.556 | 0.020* |
eGFR (per 1.0 mL/min/1.73 m2 increment)† | 0.988 | 0.980 to 0.997 | 0.011* |
D-dimer (>500 ng/mL)‡ | – | – | – |
Ferritin (>336 ng/mL) | 5.376 | 1.789 to 16.129 | 0.003* |
Lactate dehydrogenase (>200 U/L) | 7.634 | 1.739 to 33.333 | 0.007* |
C reactive protein (>1 mg/dL)‡ | – | – | – |
Procalcitonin (>0.25 ng/mL) | 2.681 | 1.222 to 5.882 | 0.014* |
Troponin I (>0.03 ng/mL) | 3.390 | 1.751 to 6.536 | <0.001* |
Opacity/infiltrate on imaging | 2.392 | 1.073 to 5.348 | 0.033* |
Nasal cannula | 2.494 | 1.120 to 5.556 | 0.025* |
High-flow nasal cannula | 5.682 | 2.703 to 11.905 | <0.001* |
NIPPV | 10.638 | 4.545 to 2.500 | <0.001* |
Mechanical ventilation | 12.195 | 6.173 to 23.810 | <0.001* |
ICU admission/transfer | 12.500 | 6.173 to 25.000 | <0.001* |
ECMO‡ | – | – | – |
RRT | 23.256 | 6.329 to 83.333 | <0.001* |
Vasopressor | 17.857 | 8.696 to 37.037 | <0.001* |
Antibiotics | 20.000 | 2.732 to 142.857 | 0.003* |
Azithromycin | 2.294 | 1.147 to 4.587 | 0.019* |
Hydroxychloroquine | 2.710 | 1.443 to 5.102 | 0.002* |
Steroids | 4.444 | 2.237 to 8.772 | <0.001* |
Ascorbic acid | 2.639 | 1.370 to 5.076 | 0.004* |
Zinc | 3.650 | 1.898 to 7.042 | <0.001* |
Tocilizumab | 4.525 | 1.403 to 14.706 | 0.012* |
Convalescent plasma | 4.921 | 2.348 to 10.314 | <0.001* |
Acute kidney injury | 5.435 | 2.825 to 10.417 | <0.001* |
ARDS | 23.256 | 11.236 to 50.000 | <0.001* |
Arrhythmia | 3.610 | 1.645 to 7.937 | 0.001* |
Superimposed bacteraemia | 2.625 | 0.982 to 6.993 | 0.054 |
*Statistically significant.
†On admission.
‡Analyses cannot be performed as at least one cell is zero.
ALT, alanine transaminase; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ICU, intensive care unit; NIPPV, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SpO2, oxygen saturation; UNL, upper normal limit; WBC, white blood cell.