Summary of cellular force measurement techniques.
Resolution (x/y/z/F/t) | Cell substrate | System requirements | Post-processing | Advantages | Disadvantages | References | |
Traction force microscopy (TFM) Figures 2A–C | Depends mostly on substrate properties and microscopy setup | Hydrogel, PDMS, elastomers, fibrillar matrices (e.g., collagen); Arrays of elastic micropillars | Standard fluorescent microscope; Confocal microscopy for out of plane bead tracking and 3-D tractions | Single particle tracking, correlation tracking, and/or particle image velocimetry; Theoretical/computational solid mechanics analysis | Cell substrate can be physiologically realistic (except micropillar arrays); Image based – highly versatile; Simple experimental setup and high throughput; Can be extended to provide collective cellular force measurements (e.g., monolayer stress microscopy) | Requires zero force state (except micropillar arrays) and calibrating substrate elastic properties; Limited sensitivity to vertical forces; Fluorescence microscopy over long periods can cause phototoxic effects | Tan et al., 2003; Wang and Lin, 2007; Fu et al., 2010; del Alamo et al., 2013; Hall et al., 2013; Style et al., 2014; Polacheck and Chen, 2016; Serrano et al., 2019 |
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) Figure 2D | Resolution depends on the imaging force and probe geometries; Lateral resolution 1–1.5 nm; Vertical resolution 0.1 nm; Force resolution 100 pN | Mica, glass, or glass slides modified with Silane to enhance cell adhesions | Piezoelectric scanner for mounting samples; Proper probes attached to pliable silicon or silicon nitride cantilever; Laser beam/photodiode setup for measuring cantilever deflection | Cantilever deflection as a function of vertical displacements; Conversion a force-versus-separation distance curve | Probes for molecular interactions, physiochemical properties, surface stiffnesses, and macromolecular elasticities | Requires careful sample preparation and data collection; Requires physical contact between the AFM probe and the sample – cannot probe basal structures (e.g., podosomes tips) Localizing specific cell structures (e.g., podosomes) by AFM alone is challenging | Labernadie et al., 2010 |
Protrusion force microscopy (PFM) Figure 2E | The same as AFM; Vertical resolution 10 nm; Line rate on order of 1 Hz; Force resolution to the order of nN | Compliant formvar membranes | AFM system and fluorescence microscopy | The same as AFM, plus mathematical model to infer podosomes forces from formvar membrane deformation | Measures protrusive forces applied perpendicularly to the substrate at a single podosome level; High spatiotemporal resolution | The same as AFM, except for localizing podosomes; Narrow range of applications. | Labernadie et al., 2014; Bouissou et al., 2017 |
Elastic resonator interference stress microscopy (ERISM)Figure 2F | Displacement resolution 2nm (limited by surface); Temporal resolution <0.5 s; Lateral resolution ∼1.6 μm; | Elastic optical micro-cavity comprized of a layer of ultra-soft siloxane-based elastomer sandwiched between semi-transparent gold layers | Conventional wide-field phase contrast or fluorescent microscopy with a tunable light source capable of providing monochromatic illumination | Each light fringe ∼ 200 nm = ≥ count fringes to determine size of deformations; Conversion of forces by utilizing substrate mechanical properties | Unlike many TFM methods, no zero-force state required; No phototoxic effects; Versatile, and compatible with other microscopy methods; Excellent vertical and lateral force sensitivities | Experimental setup and fabrication of ERISM cavities are relatively involved; 2D soft substrate may not be physiologically realistic for some applications | Kronenberg et al., 2017; Liehm et al., 2018 |
Molecular tension-fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (MT-FLIM) Figure 2G | Force threshold F1/2 is a measure of the applied force at which 50% of probes are open, estimating applied force ranges; Force resolution to the order of pN exerted by individual integrins | Supported lipid bilayer (SLB) – phospholipid membranes; Confined in the Z-direction but are laterally fluid | Inverted microscopes with perfect focus capabilities and appropriate lasers for excitation; Specific software required; | Matlab Bioformats Toolbox and semiautomated custom scripts; FIJI plugins, including MultiKymograph and TrackMate | Highly specific observations of integrin behavior and force generation as it relates to podosome formation and mechanosensing | Highly technical in the development and implementation of molecular tension probes, and in microscopy set-up Misses forces transmitted via non-specific interactions | Wang and Ha, 2013; Blakely et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2014; Brockman et al., 2018; Glazier et al., 2019 |
Microsphere-based traction force microscopy Figure 2H | Force resolution to the order of nN | Hydrogel-based microspheres; Fabricated by water-oil emulsions | Standard fluorescent microscope; Confocal microscopy for tracking 3-D shape deformations | Comparison between deformed and undeformed states from 3-D shape reconstructions | Suitable for studying forces in environments with complex mechanical properties, where TFM and ESRIM would be challenging | Intensive image processing requirements Resolution is limited by spatial distribution of microspheres in sample | Girardo et al., 2018; Mohagheghian et al., 2018; Kaytanli et al., 2020; Vorselen et al., 2020b |