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. 2021 Mar;10(3):587–597. doi: 10.21037/tp-20-374

Table 1. Characterization of the 68 participating hospitals.

Parameters n (%)
Hospital rank
   Tertiary hospital 64 (94.1)
   Secondary hospital 4 (5.9)
Type of ward
   General pediatric ICU 55 (80.9)
   Mixed (pediatric and neonate) 9 (13.2)
   Mixed (pediatric and adult) 2 (2.9)
   Surgery ICU 2 (2.9)
Number of beds
   More than 40 beds 6 (8.8)
   30–40 beds 15 (22.1)
   20–30 beds 22 (32.4)
   10–20 beds 17 (25.0)
   Less than 10 beds 6 (8.8)
   Others (Mixed beds for children and adults) 2 (2.9)
ICU specialist training center
   Yes 27 (39.7)
   No 41 (60.3)

n, Number of respondents; ICU, intensive care unit.