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. 2021 Mar;10(3):587–597. doi: 10.21037/tp-20-374

Table 5. Factors associated with availability of non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring devices using multivariable analyses.

Parameters B S.E. Wald df P value OR (95%CI)
Cases with Septic shock per year (1=more than 30, 0=less than 30) 0.745 0.242 9.465 1 0.002 2.107 (1.311, 3.388)
Staff of ICU specialist training center (1=YES, 0=NO) 0.701 0.235 8.882 1 0.003 2.015 (1.271, 3.195)
Academic qualification 5.071 2 0.079
   1=Bachelor, 0=Master –0.512 0.246 4.326 1 0.038 0.600 (0.370, 0.971)
   1=PhD, 0=Master 0.148 0.399 0.138 1 0.710 1.160 (0.531, 2.534)
Constant –0.215 0.220 0.950 1 0.330 0.807

ICU, intensive care unit; B, coefficient values; S.E., standard error; Wald, Wald chi-square values; df, degree of freedom; OR, odds ratio.