Table 1.
Biological function of ANTXR1
Summary of findings
Non-tumor related biological function | Regulates extracellular matrix homeostasis | Sergeeva et al[6] and Hu et al[7] |
Regulates angiogenesis | Sergeeva et al[6] and Besschetnova et al[8] | |
Regulates cell migration, and skin elasticity. | Sergeeva et al[6] | |
Regulates the proliferation and apoptosis of chondrocytes | Jiang et al[9] | |
Tumor related biological function | Regulates tumor growth and Metastasis | Høye et al[10] and Evans et al[12] |
Overexpress in gastric adenocarcinoma | Sotoudeh et al[11] | |
Active the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway | Cai et al[19] | |
Mediates uPA-stimulated EGFR phosphorylation | Zhang et al[13] | |
Promotes tumor angiogenesis | Nanda et al[16] and Chaudhary et al[17] |
uPA: Urokinase plasminogen activator.