Antibodies recognizing Desmoglein 1 (Dsg1goat) and
Plakoglobin (Pgmouse), two components of the cell-cell adhesive
junction the desmosome, are used to demonstrate the ability to visualize
proximity between two proteins. For a review on the cell-cell junctions, the
desmosome and the adherens junction refer to Rübsam et al (Rübsam et al., 2018).
Paraffin-embedded sections of 3D organotypic cultures that mimic the epidermal
layers of human skin, generated using primary keratinocytes isolated from human
foreskin were processed for PLA. Refer to Arnette et al. for a protocol on
growing such cultures (Arnette et al.,
2016). A. A strong PLA signal (red) is observed in the
control section (shCTL), and this specific signal is lost when Dsg1 is silenced
(shDsg1) (Duolink™ In Situ Detection Reagent Red, λEx:
594, λEm: 624). DAPI labels nuclei in blue. B. In
3D cross sections, using DAPI as a measure of cell number is not reliable as not
every cell will have a nucleus in the cross section; therefore, the sections are
quantified and plotted as the average PLA signal area/field. Data points in the
graph indicate the area of PLA signal per field in a region of the tissue. Error
bars indicate the standard deviation. ImageJ/FIJI was used for image analysis
and data graphed using GraphPad Prism®. C.
Immunofluorescence (IF) demonstrates successful binding of both antibodies in
the control section, while staining is decreased in the Dsg1 knock down
condition (Dsg1 or Pg in white, DAPI in blue). Images were acquired using an
AxioVison Z1 system (Carl Zeiss) with Apotome slide module, an AxioCam MRm
digital camera, and a 40x (0.5 NA, Plan-Neofluar) objective. Scale bar = 20