Germline Nf1 mutations differentially increase TVZ progenitor proliferation in a time-dependent manner. (A) The mice heterozygous for different Nf1 germline gene mutations used, segregated by OPG formation in GFAP-Cre; Nf1flox/mut mice. (B) All germline Nf1 gene mutations increased BLBP expression in progenitors in the anterior ventral TVZ by immunostaining (top panel), resulting in decreased “V” cell expansion (bottom panel). (C) Increased Ki67 indices in mice heterozygous for tumor-causing Nf1 mutations (Arg681X, n = 3; Arg1278Pro, n = 4; neo, n = 3) at E16.5 (top panel), but not in mice heterozygous for a non-tumor-causing mutation (Gly848Arg, n = 3). This pattern persisted at PN1 (middle panel). At least 3 independent experiments were performed using unique biological replicates. Significance was determined by one-way ANOVA with correction for multiple comparisons using a Tukey post-hoc test, *P < 0.05. (D) Schematic model of the 3 factors that partially dictate Nf1-OPG penetrance. Scale bars, 40 µm.